Saturday, November 6, 2010

Brazil Breaking Dawn Honeymoon

Lot's of photos and stories foating around as filming hgets ready for Breaking Dawn in Brazil - the honeymoon - rawr!

"I am from Sao Paulo and I lodged with my family in the hotel where the actors Kristen and Robert are - I'm visiting.

I'm not a fan of the saga, but I admire these actors. I found them at lunch, they were with Stephenie Meyer and a girl at a table and other
guys in another. I don't understand English very much, even less the
European accent the girl had, but I admire it and I could see that they
are really nice. At the hotel they asked me if I was a fan and not to
bother them. I had no problem with it, I respect their space and

Kristen approached where I was, next to the waiter, said something in English that he understood and replied, and she greeted
me. I gave her a greeting back, smiling. Kristen waited for the menu to
order. She was talking with the other girl in English and I couldn't
understand anything. Robert and Stephenie Meyer were on the table
waiting for her and looked to her a lot (not exaggerating).

For many girls who are fans of the series would have liked to be in my
place, however for me was like seeing ordinary people. I only found out
today that they came here to Brazil to shoot some scenes for the last
movie. I can say that Kristen is a very beautiful girl, Kristen and Rob
actually are together. They were very tender to each other, Robert is
very attentive to and loving towards her.

I'm staying for a week and I think I'll see them again. It's a pleasant experience. To see
these actors was something amazing. I never thought that where I would
stay I would find these actors who are admired by thousands and
thousands of fans."

- D Luana Santos

[Via TwiFans]

Stephenie Meyer with fans in Brazil

Brazil is having a vampire-induced awesome time right now!!

breaking Dawn filming the honeymoon means Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Stephenie Meyer are in town and fans are going nuts!

How Exciting!

Due Date Review

So, I loved this movie.

I know it has a lot of hype and high expectations with comparisons to The Hangover, but let me tell you, I liked The Hangover more.

The Hangover was funnier and as long as you walk in, not expecting it to out do The Hangover, then you will be fine.

Some bad reviews have come out - and that lowered my expectations right before going to see it - which was a good thing becuase the movie ended up being way better than I thought!

There are so many funny moments, not just the ones from the trailers.

If you are not a fan of Zach Galifianakis, then you probably will NOT think this movie is funny. I am a huge fan and his comedic delivery in this movie is as awesome as The Hangover. His character has the same "special ed kid" mentatlity that leaves you laughing hysterically.

Through a series of unlikely circumstances the two are forced to do a cross-country road trip to L.A. and form a love-hate-hilarious relationship mixed with ridiculous advenutres and scenarios.

The movie features interesting cameos, laugh-out-loud-one-liners, and shockingly great chemistry between sexy Robert Downey Jr and hilarious Zack Galifianakis.

Personally, I loved it, but if you are easily offended (though this movie s far less offensive than Hangover, which I also loved!) or are not a fan of Galifianakis, then you will likely want to skip this flick.

Did you see it? Thoughts?

Zac Posen to design Bella's Breaking Dawn Wedding Dress?

Zac Posen has been rumoured to be designing Bella's wedding dress. We can assume Stephenie Meyer will have a HUGE say in this final design since she is producing Breaking Dawn and knows how important details are to the fans.

Zac Posen was recently on ANTM where the contestents did a runway show for him. He is a super cool guy from what I gather and I am hopeful he is the one doing the dress.

Hollywood Life spoke to Zac and asked him about these rumours:

“I can’t. I don’t speak about any of my projects and the reality of her(sic) non reality.” Well, he may not have said he’s definitely designing the dress, but he did say he doesn’t speak about any of his projects. Before walking away, he added in, “You know I do love a wedding.”

Twilight Lexicon writes:

This is how Stephenie described it, “I wish I still had the picture I based the description of Bella’s dress on, but it was lost in my fateful computer crash. Those of you who are going with the old fashioned look are on the right track. Two key words to aid in the search: art nouveau. It’s a simpler style than the frillier Edwardian stuff. Elegant white satin, cut on the bias, with long sleeves (the strapless thing is a very recent development. It wasn’t even popular when I was getting married, only 13 years ago, much less during the modest turn of the century). I search google images for the dress every now and then. I’ll let you know if I find something close one of these days.”

You can see some sketches and ideas of possible designs on Lexicon.

Brazil Breaking Dawn Honeymoon set?

This might be the location for the Breaking Dawn Honeymoon to film...

Here is what FOFORKS has discovered:

Thanks to FoForks we have a possible Carlisle and Esme Cullen beach house where all the honeymoon magic and baby making occurs for Breaking Dawn.

Translated from Portuguese to English:

Earlier today to see some new information released about the shooting of the Isle Esme we post here. As has been disclosed, to ensure the safety of the cast and production team during their stay in Rio de Janeiro, a mansion in Mamanguá had been
rented to house Robsten. The site would also be used to make some shots. It
was also said that the house chosen for the honeymoon the couple is
worthy of vampire movies: 15 rooms with large glass areas - in the style
of the house of vampires in the first film - and integrated with the
exuberant nature of the region's Mamanguá .

The foforkiana Fernanda Fontes saw the post earlier today and got in touch with us. She
traveled last year to the same region of Mamanguá, where you can only
access via a boat and took pictures of beautiful houses, but only one
stayed in his mind for a long time! A specific house that she says a lot
to remember the Cullen house and that did make several photos during
the trip. Fernanda sent the images to us and, according to the press
that was passed by the house found fits the description perfectly.

More photos at source

Friday, November 5, 2010

Brazil Breaking Dawn Hotel Photos

Fans take them, I post them... some disagree with this kind of stalking, others wish they were there.

Regardless of your opinion (or mine) here is what is floating around the internet from Brazil..

Kristen at the hotel:

ROb at the hotel:

More at TwiFans.

Videos - Brazil Breaking Dawn Hotel

This persons youtube has several more videos outside the hotel - I imagine ROb, Kristen & Stephenie will have very little time to enjoy Brazil sadly, but wow! What a fan response!

[Via Twifans]

Fan Photos from Brazil

All are tagged with original source:

The Brazilian fan that met Kristen, Rob, and Stephenie on November 5th, 2010 gives a detailed report on her encounter via FoForks:

The brazilian fan Bruna Monteiro is so lucky! She was the first one to take pictures with Robert, Kristen and Stephenie Meyer today, on their arrival to Brazil. Bruna told us that she woke up at 4:10 a.m., went to pick up her friend Joana and then went to Tom Jobim International Airport, where they waited until 10am. “It was very tense to wait that long,” she said. After a long wait, the time has come. The first one to be seen was Robert: “The first thing I saw was Rob, then I started calling him, of course, being civilized, but his agent was pushing me, then I got desperate, because he kept saying that I could not take any pictures,” she said. But Bruna did not give up, “It was me and a few other girls, so I ran and grabbed his hand, took the picture and gave him the shirt from Brazil, I said that it was from all the Twilight fans and that I loved him very much. He laughed, thanked me and gave me a hug.” After regaining consciousness (who wouldn’t lose it, right?) Bruna realized that Kristen was by herself and used the chance to get closer to the actress, “I ran to go talk to her, then she thanked me, gave me a hug and took a picture and everything. Then they were gone, ” she told us. And Bruna was so close to not see Stephenie Meyer! “I was leaving, so then I heard ‘hey, isnt that the woman who wrote the book?’ And when I looked it was Stephenie. I look at her all scared and she laughed. Then I said that I admired her work and she started talking to me.” At the end of our conversation, the brazilian fan said that everyone seemed very happy, especially Robert, and although they were not exchanging any affection, it was evident that he and Kristen are together.

See all her pictures from the encounter here.

[Via Twifans]

Taylor Lautner headed to Brazil?

I have been AWOL recently but am getting back into everything now that my insanely busy month of October is over and my first week of NAPPING IN NOVEMBER is over....

I guess there are rumours that Taylor may go to Brazil? Seems unlikely as he has no reason to crash the honeymoon, imagine.... ha ha oh how Twilight would change ;)

Anyhow, having just heard this rumour and being extrmely late to the party, I turned to experts on the latest and greatest.... here is the low down:

TwiFans summarized here:

1.Twilight Lexicon thinks it might be a dream sequence that Bella has about Jacob and Nessie.

Others think it’s just reporters assuming Taylor is coming because the Rob, Kristen , and Taylor’s names are frequently linked in the PR and the reporters just aren’t that familiar with the books. With Stephenie Meyer as producer, it’s hard to imagine a script run off the rails so far as to have Jake as a third wheel on Isle Esme.

The other item that might come into play is that Ashley Greene is currently in South America accompanying the Jonas Brothers on their current South American Tour which is just about over. It left us wondering if she is going to hop over to Rio to film any sequences that involve looking for Nahuel and Huelin.

2. The Twilight Examiner gives us this to ponder:

On page 673, there's a moment in which Bella has prepared the paperwork for Jacob and Renesmee to escape (via J. Jenks - you remember that part, I'm sure), and she has a hope that Alice and Jasper, who she knows are in South America because they have sent Zafrina and Senna along to help, will be of assistance to them.

Then I stared at the blank ivory page for a full five minutes, concentrating on my decision. Alice might not be able to see Jacob or Renesmee, but she could see me. I visualized her seeing the moment, hoping desperately that she wasn't too busy to pay attention.

Slowly, deliberately, I wrote the words RIO DE JANEIRO in all caps across the page.

What I'm thinking is that Alice might visualize the decision and the result - Jacob and Renesmee in Rio. That would explain them bringing Taylor Lautner and Mackenzie Foy along for the Isle Esme ride in Rio, wouldn't it? Of course, it could be a whole lot more creative than that - Bella visualizing the two gallivanting around in peace in Rio, Alice picturing meeting up with them in Rio (by that logic, Ashley Greene and Jackson Rathbone would have to head to Rio, too, I suppose), etc. Still, the concept that this is a vision of some sort is strong, and it also lends credibility to reports which suggest Lautner (and potentially Foy) might join the others in Brazil.

It's just one idea, and of course there is nothing official to say Lautner actually is going to Rio. But you hear things often enough, and it makes you wonder. Looking at the books, this seems like a plausible explanation, right? Your thoughts?

Kristen Stewart returns to New Orleans

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Apparently Kristen was in LA with her family for Halloween. I have had multiple emails come in asking what I know about her and Rob and I guess the fandom is speculating Rob & Kristen broke up...

First of all, I have no idea

Second of all, are we going to freak out after every single time one of them are spotted solo?


More at TwiFans.

Oh My Rob - New TV WEEK Outtakes - drool-worthy

There are more at PattinsonLife (who tagged these photos, though I don't think they actually own them or took them, but they posted them... *shrugs* not sure what's up there)

I think I like this one best:


[Via TwiFans]

Thanks for Understanding..

I have had some time management issues lately which led to my blog being neglected the past few days - rest assured I will be updating like rapid fire this evening so please check back in the morning for all the updates from me ;)

I have some gooders too

Happy Halloween Recovery Day

Anna and Kristen share dress - they MUST be dating ;)

OMG - Kristen always wears the clothes of the person she is banging right??? so what does this mean???

Anna-Sten?!?!?! bow chicka wow wow - Krisbians have a chance..;)

I am being VERY sarcastic by the way ;) heh heh - - - awesome dress - -

Who wore it better?

My vote is Anna Kendrick *hides* don't hate!


Sunday, October 31, 2010