Sunday, May 24, 2009

2nd Dills Show @ The Met April 19, 2009

MeMy and I went to The Met again in Vancouver this evening.

Sage of The Dills was playing again.

Saw many familiar faces and had plenty of hello's and story sharing. The girl who didn't take the photo of me and Peter at 100 Monkeys Show is NOT a cow My camera actually wasn't working for her - - - we chatted tonight ;)

We got a table near the front and were glad to see a *much* smaller crowd (guess most went to 100 Monkeys?) And also that they roped off the front. As an extra percaussion they advised us to be respectful with our cameras!

Last night was such a gong show, tonight was *much* better.

Sage played a whole set - not a few songs before having to leave due to insanity of twi-fans (*ahem* i guess i am one of those people since i *DID* take pics with RPattz while Sage was playing - bad Mandy!!! but it was sooooo worth it ;) tee hee)

Sage is hilarious and her music is awesome! I really really enjoy it!

Anyways - here's the scoop.....

So - Sage, Nikki, Kristen and Taylor came together and sat down at a small table beside the stage area. Soon after a few friends came and joined them.

Kristen was sporting the same glasses and Taylor had his hoodie on, which he *DID* take off to reveal a plaid long sleeved shirt.

The two of them stayed fairly hidden the entire time while Nikki, in a fitted leather jacket over top a grey shirt, skinny jeans, ankle boots and her grey scarf, came out a few times to take photos of Sage, who had a short sleeved green silky button up shirt over top a long sleeved black shirt with high boots and black pants.

Here Nikki takes pics from the left side -

Some highlights:

  • Leonard Cohen dated Sages mom, she was young but remembers him vaguely and shared a story about him offering her a mars bar and she said "what's that I want a snickers"

  • Sage's guitar broke and she borrowed Ryan's (the awesome guy who performed before Sage)

  • She compared using a different guitar to cheating on a boyfriend

  • crazy blonde boy was shouting out regularily and requested "Pollyanna" Sage said she wanted his hair cut... It was a short platinum and brushed forward (I did get a pic)

    He and Sage chatted and it seemed they hit it off and planned to hang out sometime.

  • Sage played an awesome set and I bought her cd which she signed.

  • During her set she played Nikki's old fave song that she used to sing to her every night when they were roomies, she also played Nikki's new fave song which she wrote for a guy friend... A friend that Nikki doesn't like... I have video of this part, Sage said it may not be Nikki's fave anymore (because its for the friend Nikki doesn't like) she joked she would dedicate it to her next crush, then joked it was for Taylor LOL

  • Sage also played "Dawn" the song that may be on the New Moon soundtrack. I hope it is - I think it would be perfect for a scene where Bella is alone in the woods after Edward leaves.... lost, confused, losing it... "never felt so alone.... praying for the strength to know myself...dawn dawn dawn dawn dawn...the past is dead and gone....i'm reminded with every rising, dawn dawn dawn dawn.... now is not where I want to be... "

    I am not in charge, I wish I was, I'd totally add it to the movie in that scene... with the camera spinning around Bella, who looks, devestated - what do you think?

    Listen to it ... HERE... their official myspace page

    or there is a live version I taped (dark and loud, but live) on my youtube.

  • Afterwards Kristen and Taylor snuck out the side door quickly and hopped into a cab. (I think it would fit nicely in a scene where Bella is in the forest kind of lost, losing it, waiting for and hoping for Edward... I dunno, just me?!?!)

  • Sage and Nikki did tons of photos and signed autographs and chatted. Both are super sweet and funny.

  • When I said Hi to Nikki she remembered me from last night and said "I saw our photo onthe internet" I said "I didn't put the one of Rob and I as I heard he didn't like people posting pics of him on blogs" she said "I don't mind" *phew!!!* I didn't take another photo with her - I just chatted with her briefly and admired her generosity signing all the full colour glossy prints one guy had of her, and taking photos with everyone.

  • Nikki grabbed Sage's guitar and they left out the side door into a taxi.

    It was a great night once again. No fabulous shots as it was dark and the only person I haven't gotten a photo with is Elizabeth (who is apparently gone) and Taylor, who stayed hidden most the night and then left quickly.

    Here are some of the pics I did get from tonight for those of you who are on the edge of your seat wanting to see even a dark/blurry pic ;)

    That is Taylor on the far right in plaid ;)

    VanCityAllie in the house

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