Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bella's House - April 25, 2009

I had decided to not go to Bella's last night because:

  • There was going to be too many people
  • I had a house party to go to
  • I have been exhausted
  • We've seen the set and we knew the set up be - blocked from both ends of the street

    That being said, I drank *just a tad* ;) and MeMy and I decided to head out (more to check out the "fans" than anything)

    We pulled up to one end - NOONE!?!?!

    We walked up and this jerk security told us we couldn't be on the house because we'd wake the people living in the sole house on that street - I argued a little bit (which is out of character for me - but he was def. trying to be a prick and push us around)

    MeMy and I hopped back in the vehicle and drove to the other end where w encountered about 25 people.

    They were prepared with lawn chair, blankets, flashlights and hot drinks. There were twi-moms and their kids, tweens, adult women and even a dad or husband - - - I almost expected a bonfire and a twilight-rendition of "Kumbaya" or something.

    We chatted with a few people... I firstly announced "So, whose been here the longest" as an icebreaker and was quickly told some interesting stories of when people arrived and what they had been up to.

    The staff lady was very nice and in general people were cold but excited.

    Then, a gentleman who MeMy and I call "ShmucK" (Others def know who he is - there was an *ahem* interesting photo a fellow twitterer posted the other day - although I am shocked she got a photo of him... he's usually quite careful not to be photographed) came up to us....

    H eplayed his usual game but the jist of his message was that *IF* a certain star we wanted to see was there then *PROBABLY* they'd leave in about 18 minutes on the other end....

    I have never seen tired and cold women move so fast.... cars were screeching (ok not really "screeching" - but moving VERY quickly) out of there.... It was a brigade of minivans and family sedans high-tailing it out to get to the other side in hopes of a "chance" encounter with said-cast.

    MeMy and I had our suspicions - we have experienced "Shmuck" before and although our guts told us he was pulling wool over our eyes, we decided to go with the crowd (twi-peer-pressure) and head over.... we'd seen the cast before.... Shmuck has been nice once or twice to one or two people.... we'd give him the benefit of the doubt - just once....

    So we all waited and it was VERY clear that we had been duped.

    We saw taillights going the other way - where we all had been a short 30 minutes ago (so much for 18 minutes eh?) A few girls went back and communicated with a few girls who stayed.....

    Daylight Arrived and you could see the disappointment and doubt in everyones eyes.... I felt especially bad for people who were up from X or Y for the weekend and had been waiting since daylight the evening before.....

    We got word that indeed the girls who went to the other side had an encounter with Ashley Greene who stopped to take a few photos with them from the vehicle she was in.

    By the time the jerk security whom MeMy and I encountered originally started to pack up the barracades we - as a mob - walked up towards "Bella's House"

    We got brave, close, we all got photos of the house while standing right across the street.

    The amount of people just milling about was entertaining - no one knew what to do - - - some of the crew was nice - some were def. NOT!!!

    Eventually we had our photos, realized (well I guess it finally sunk in for the disappointed fans) that "Shmuck" had completely lied to everyong....) no one was left..... and headed back to our vehicles.

    MeMy and I were so upset we'd fell for it - we should know better having dealt with him before - - - but c'est la vie....

    I have to say the # of crazies there last night was lower than I expected... maybe they'd all been weeded out by the time we arrived at 4:30am?

    It was nice to meet some twitter people and new people and share some stories.... I am so sorry that people didn't get what they wanted....

    Part of me wishes an SUV had driven by with even a wave to please these people who waited all night.... another Part of me understands completely why they didn't - - with 20+ people - - it can get out of control very fast - as we have seen on different occasions....

    But - all in all - If you haven't checked out Bella's - I'd say it's not entirely worth it - I had more enjoyment going by last week before filming... now it's alot of security and crew trying to keep the peace and a lot of fans overly eager to get what they want - a piece of the cast.....

    If I were you I wouldn't bother going - but I know I have met many of the cast and been by the set so perhaps those words coming from me mean nothing to those who haven't had the opportunity to meet them yet....

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