Sunday, May 24, 2009

FAQs My New Moon Experience

I have an overwhelming amount of emails coming in all of a sudden and a lot of the same questions... so here are my responses...

From Last Night at The Dills Show

Does Rob stink?/How does he Smell?

I did not sniff him top to bottom, but I did spend a few minutes near him and even leaned in close to his shoulder neck area *beams* and I did not notice a bad smell. It wasn't a cologne or strong perfumey smell either. He just seemed neutral in a good way. Clean, Fresh, Manly. *rawr*

Did he and Nikki/Kristen seem close? Do you think he and Nikki/Kristen are dating? Did Nikki and Kristen seem to hate each other because they are fighting over Rob?

OK, First, I think who Rob dates is his own business. Stars always have gossip and rumours and boy, oh boy has he had a lot recently.

My personal experience based on unbiased observation is this:

The entire cast is super close.

At the 100 Monkeys Show Sage and Taylor had their arms around each other at one point, then Nikki and Taylor did, then Kristen and Nikki did, and so on.

Last Night at The Dill's show Nikki, Sage and Kristen had their arms around each other for photos. I truly do believe that Nikki and Sage are BFFs and that Nikki and Kristen are close or BFFs too and the three get along great... I think as far as Rob is involved, they are all friends.

There are photos showing Rob and Nikki "close" but it was loud and there were people everywhere.... to speak and be heard by the intended listener and not strangers you had to be close to a person to chat.

When I chatted with Nikki I mostly leaned in super close so she could hear, or spoke in her ear when we hugged.

When I spoke to Rob I leaned in (ok maybe I just wanted to be closer to him LOL)

When I was talking to friends I got super close to them to ensure they heard me.

That is what happens are bars and pubs people - you get CLOSE to someone so they can HEAR you...

So, in my complete personal opinion, I would not assume Rob was dating Nikki or Kristen based on their interactions... HOWEVER... if he is.... that is their business... and if they want the world to know, they will tell the world :)

How is The Dills Music? Were people just there to see the cast? Did anyone care about the music?

I won't lie and say I was always a fan of The Dills. I am honest, and I heard of them through my love of Twilight, New Moon, the cast, Nikki, etc. I have to also say honestly that I LOVE their music.... it is just awesome.

Sadly, since most people seemed to be there for the chance to see Vampires, they were also loud and therefore hearing Sage became difficult and she only did a few songs before they left.

My personal thought is that lack of security caused people to try and crowd the cast and then it just became a better idea to not leave.

They have another show tonight, but I HIGHLY doubt Rob will go, simply because of the reaction yesterday.... also tonight is 100 Monkeys Show at the Rio Theatre (All Ages) so who knows between the two shows who will go where and who will stay at the hotel or go elsewhere :)

The Dill's street team leader sent me an email and I wanted to share part of it with you all -
Sage and The Dills have an official Myspace page and an official fan page (music page) (fan page)

There is music of theirs on both pages and they are hoping to have the song "Dawn" included on the New Moon soundtrack!!

General Questions About My Experiences

Can you tell me how to meet the cast? Where are they filming? Hw do you get to see them all the time?

Tonight there is a show at The Met for The Dills and a show at The Rio for 100 Monkeys.

The Rio is an all ages show and features Jackson (Jasper) so if you went to that you would be guaranteed to at least see him. If other cast members go then you would have a chance to see them. But we don't always know if/who/when they will go. Since they all (except Rob) went to Jackson's last show, they may or may not need or want or decide to go tonight.

The Met is 19+ and will have Sage and The Dills. Sage is Nikki's best friend but she was there last night and after the distraction of having the cast there taking away (in my opinion) from her performing, I can't say for sure if Nikki or anyone else will or will not be there.

As far as Set-Stalking... it takes a lot of time, effort, and determination. I have had next to NO life or sleep this past week because of it. I don't always "know" I just listen, read, think, and look around to find places where I would be the MOST likely to bump into them.

It has paid off many times, as seen by my youtube video and photos... but what you Don't see is how often it has NOT paid off... many times we have gone to a set days late, or early or whatever.

I have been fairly lucky and very hard-working... that is why I have been able to see them :)

I don't share publicly where sets are. I think if I have to work for it, so should you.... sorry if that is bitchy, but when 500 people show up because I told ONE person who PROMISED not tell... it really impacts the FILMING negatively, not to mention the people who did work hard to find it's chances of catching a glimpse of their fave star.

How Did you Get Caught up in this?

I am a HUGE fan of the books. I bought Twilight 2 years ago and it sat on my shelf unread. When the Movie was coming out I quickly read it (I firmly believe in reading books before seeing movies) and with in a week I was done all 4 books.

I saw the movie several times.

I have recommended and shared my books with people.

They came to town to film and I decided it would be cool to meet them.

They started filming down the street from my house, so I drove by on a weekend and saw the set (no filming)

I am in an on-call job so when I was called out to work near the filming site I drove by on lunch breaks, believing they were done filming there but ended up seeing they were filming there again!

I became more and more hooked on one-upping myself.... I saw the site, I saw the filming, I wanted to see the cast.

I found a friend who was equally interested (MeMy) and we did out first day hunt at would be Forks High School.

We were a day late.

After that we lucked out on a few things and ended up seeing them at the 100 Monkey Show, The Dills Show, and finding a few of the sets they were at.

Through long time out in and patience we finally met them on site and that is that.

Ask my husband... I am crazy!

As I mentioned my job is on an on-call basis during the work week so I often have some free days in which I utilized to check out rumoured sites.

It's not fair you have met them so much! Tell me where to go, Bring me along

Like I said I put in the work and lucked out a few times. I am not saying it's fair at all... I hope you all have as much or more success as I have in your searches.

I live XXXX I want to come to Vancouver, can I stay with you/Where Should I stay?
Ha Ha Ha, No room for guests. My daughter and husband would kill me. I don't knwo where to stay, check with your travel agent.

Who is your fave? Why?

I have to say I wanted to see Robert the most. He seems the most elusive and the toughest challenge to try and meet.

After meeting them all I love them all... but here are my personal reasons why I like them:

Peter - I had my first one-on-one photo with him at 100 Monkeys. He was patient, kind and funny. Then outside the Cullen House he stopped the car and came out and gave us hugs, thanks *US* for being there and told us we were the "winners" for outlasting everyone else :) totally Sweet!!!

Kellan - He is hilarious. He is friendly, kind, funny. He has amazing dimples too!

Nikki - She is a whole ball of talent. She wrote one of my very fave movies (Thirteen) when she was only 15 years old, she has gone through so much which I can relate too, she is so down-to-earth, beautiful, kind. I adore her!

Kristen - quirky, cool, quiet. She reminds me of the kind of girl I could kick it with easily. Laid Back, off-beat.

Rob - Stunning to look at but very shy and unsure in public, which to me, make shim more endearing.

Jackson - friendly, charming, kind. He is very "real" and i love that about him

Ashley - timeless beauty, captivating smile, friendly attitude.

Elizabeth - I didn't speak with but saw at 100 Monkeys and she seemed simply caring and kind

Are you going to Italy? What are your plans next?

Not going to Italy... I am not as crazy or creepy as some think ;) Nor do I ahve the finances LOL

really, if they hadn't been in town it wouldn't have gotten to be this big of a part of my life.

They leave soon and I will probably return to reading other people's stories as many of you have read mine.....

I will of course continue to blog what I read and hear from people and I hope you will keep reading my blogs for updates and to let me know whats going on with you :)


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