Sunday, May 24, 2009

Me and the Big Red Barn.... Another New Moon Adventure... - April 8, 2009

Original Post - April 8, 2009

Now yesterday my drive-by showed a crew at the Big Red Barn known to be "Jacob BLack's House" in the New Movie in the Twilight Series "New Moon"

This crew made me hopeful that they were preparing for filming but certain they were more likely gutting the place and done with it.

I figured if they had gutted it and were done no secuirty would be there and I could peak in and maybe score a piece of something as a memento - - stalker much?

Anyways I see a bright orange city sign stating the road will be closed all day today and tomorrow.... I am hopeful.... this could go one of two ways... one - it's a lie and they are filming (not likely with my luck) or two they are done filming and doing contruction on the crappy pot holes finally...

I go anyways

I see tons of cars and I am giddy with excitement that my unlikely first option may be true!

As I near the location I see the famous white trailors that I became all to familiar with (no not in stalking) in my movie days (yes, I was a star of sorts.... well, a cattle call extra in numerous films and even a stand-in for a few movies yesss)

They have the "shields" as I referred to them in previous posts, up and lit....

I ask a kind looking asian lady in a bright orange reflector vest "whats going on here?"

She smiles

I say "looks like a movie of sorts, what are the filming"

she says in an obviously rehearsed and instructed way "I am just here for the day, I believe it is some stunt and background filming for an action film"


"ooh cool can i take a *snap* picture?"


I got a good one too - from blackberry - i felt pulling out my real cam would be too obvious, they don't know me and they don't know I actually *DO* carry it with me everywhere ha ha

Anyways - here it is



OK - so AS I drive away I see this girl walking towards the back of the barn behind the shields and her hair and walk / posture remind me of BELLA

I am excited that it could have been her....

I get to the end street and three guys are looking at me

I say "hey, I'm ok to go down here for a bit I am on my coffee break and I like to roam drive the woods"

"ya sure no prob"


I go - - - call and text the people I see fit to share my news with



I don't wanna go RIGHT back...

After 5 minutes or so I head back.... there is a cop car that pulls out in front of me


I see up the other side of the road another cop car - - - See "map"

! !
! !
! !
------------- --------
exit ------------- --------
BARN ! !
! !
! !
! !
! !

Soon several cars come behind me. I hear a "popping" sound... like gun shots but, quieter...

I turn off engine and listen...

voices, but I am not sure what is being said. More popping... then "CUT"


The cop moves, I go slowwwww

The 3 guys are at the intersection where I would turn left to head back the way I came, passing the barn again.

They let me go, nodding in recognition of me passing before.... the rest are directed STRAIGHT towards where other cop was to re-route out of woods the long way.


The Asian lady is waving her "SLOW" sign at me and I smile and say thanks, slowing down even more to an almost stop as i gaze towards the barn and try to see between the shields...


Out walks BELLA from the shields...

She is with a big man, maybe a body guard or a key grip or whatever the heck kind of crew member they may have on hand....

she flicks her hair and walks slowly towards the trailor... I am not fast or brave enough to whip out my cam or cam phone to snap another pic.. I am nearing the edge of the opening and trees would block my view...

I could have stopped but I didn't want to be obvious and get in trouble... I had to get back to work anyways...



Kristen Stewert!!!


I of course go online to see if the buzz is out that they returned to a previous set - it isn't

I don't post it - why would I want people to flock there and ruin MY Chances of getting another glipmse... tee hee

I do see they were filming at a local high school yesterday and the "humans" who arrived the other day were there as well as "Bella"

I am excited to go Friday perhaps and check out the school which is complete with "FORKS HIGH SCHOOL" stuff now... I hope they are still filming at the shcool Friday... if not, maybe my time downtown this weekend will end in a random encounter with one of the stars...

Oh the teenager trapped in a 28 year olds body is longing to escape and jump around giddy at the sight of her favourite vampire.

I will keep you posted.

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