Friday, May 29, 2009

New Moon Reunion, MTV Awards, More Pics

What happens when you put all the pics together to make it LOOK like a movie? You get an idea of the reunion scene of Edward and Bella *sigh*

Mmmmm He is so much more Edward with those contacts

And They wrap tomorrow?!?!? OMG - so much closer to being real :)

When they were here I wasn't as excited for the movie, because seriously, having them HERE was so much more exciting really.... now they are in Italy and I am so excited to see it all coming together and am FINALLY completely FREAKING OUT for the movie to come..... ahhhhh!

I am so sad I didn't meet Dakota when she was in VanCity :(

Can we even wait for the MTV Awards Sunday? um NO!!!

Remember to keep voting for TWILIGHT CLICK HERE

I am so psyched Andy Samberg is hosting, he is hilarious!!!

Lastly, Remember to register for this - I am hoping to come up with an extra $200 so that I can attend :)

Summer School in Forks: A Twilight Symposium

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