Friday, June 12, 2009

Funny Video NY Pap encounter with RPattz

Over on the east coast - RPattz was out and about - - - there are photos which are always pleasing but what I enjoyed was TMZs lil video clip LMAO

I am too lazy to record and upload but TMZ video-dude sees Rpattz and tries to film him. Rob is all grinz and walks up real close to him and kinda bumps/hits the camera playfully.. "What?" and "Im too close?"

it's pretty funny actually, it was on today so I am sure the video clip will show up tonight or tomorrow, if not I will be less lazy for you and upload it.... adorable....


I said so last night in my post the video would be all over the net so why make my lazy self upload it... tee hee!

Though this is not the TMZ version, it's a bit longer, but has french subtitles and commentary - boo! Anyways...

Here it is:


I am glad that Rob had been (obviously) drinking... and I am glad he confronted the Pap to say whats up? After a few shots or a video, leave him alone eh? (ya ya ya I say that *NOW*)

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