Wednesday, June 3, 2009

If you don't like the New Moon Trailor....

I got this great little bit from Twilight Anon. click here

This person on TwilightersAnonymous clears up the "complaints" about NM trailor:

1: There is too much Edward and not enough Jacob….. What does this have to do with anything!! It’s 1 minute and 48 seconds!! What do youwant to happen? Edwards says “Ciao Bella” and then it’s all Jacob singing “If you want my body and you think I’m sexy” while showing off his 24 pack. My husband would hate it even more and it would be banned from the house!!

2: Bella/Kristen isn’t crying and hysterical in the breakup scene….If you reread the scene in the book you will find that Bella does not cry… at all. She keeps saying how she feels numb. The whole scene in the trailer was 15 seconds… you can’t include much in that.

3: The wolf looks to cartoony, cuddly, and small… I seriously don’t know what kind of dogs you people have but that’s not something I wantto cuddle with! I would rather snuggle up with a Cujo!! As for the size, we won’t be able to accurately judge that until we see a side by side comparison with something or someone else.

4: Why is Jake phasing in front of Bella?… Because that’s what he does… Chapter 14 page 325.. ’nuff said.

5: Why is Jake the only one fighting Laurent?…. They spliced the clips together to make it seem that way for effect.

6: It’s not like how I pictured it… It’s not going to be exactly how you pictured it because it’s someone else picturing it.

7: I’m disappointed he didn’t say (insert whatever) or I’m disappointed they didn’t show (insert whatever)… It’s a trailer!! If they added everything we want to see, it becomes a movie.

8: (insert here) scene needs to be way better…. They finished filming… moot point.

9: Where is Edwards pea coat? He should be dressed in more grays… Alice probably donated it to charity and bought him that gray shirt we saw from the first set pictures a while back. Happy! And I don’t think he would wear the pea coat to the party.

10: Jasper’s hair is awful…. I pretty much agree, but maybe they felt that was closer to the style from his time…. ??

11: Rob looks to old to pass for a 17 year old…. That’s because he’s 23! But hey if Gabrielle Carteris could play a high school studentwhen she was almost 30, Rob can surely play a 17 year old vampire. And for those who don’t remember Gabrielle played Andrea Zuckerman in the original 90210.

12: I miss the blue tint of the scenes… Go to Hot Topic, Claire’s, or Walmart and buy yourself some blue tinted sunglasses. Problem solved.

13: The staircase is wrong in the Cullen’s house, it’s supposed to be a spiral…. Does it really matter? Is it going to absolutely ruin the movie if the staircase isn’t how you pictured it?

I feel much better now

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