Monday, June 1, 2009

My Closer Look at New Moon Trailor

A few things.... in my play-by-play dissection

The opening is Tofino I believe, then they show the Swan house and Bella's truck.... this was filmed on an overnight shoot and I am fairly certain I was around the corner at that time ;) Although it was multiple nights and I didn't go everynight, I like to think each shot used was indeed the night I was there *teehee*

Bella's arched eyebrow [0:17] seems like a corny attempt to be seductive.... it works with Bella's corniness overall LOL

The "I Love You" [0:22] was a neccessary entity because Catherine Hardwicke neglected to include it in the first movie.... (or was it Melissa Rosenberg who omitted it ?)

Then they show Robert say "Your my only reason to stay... alive, if that's what I am" at the Cullen house and of course the birthday clip, and I KNOW I was there for that as I was there each night at the Cullen's *teehee*

All the outfits are familiar [0:40] as that's what they were wearing when we met them outside the Cullen House except Bella had a robe on when we met her so it was more difficult to tell her outfit, and Nikki had a giant jacket on so we weren't sure what she was hiding either. It is absolutely exciting to see them in this trailor and know I was there and saw them just after shooting this - Imma geek I know :)

There were interviews where Jackson had said that the blood scene at the birthday wasn't a gore fest, and that people may be surprised at how little blood there was.... [0:45]

A single drop falling to the carpet is what sets Jasper off and I think this is indicitive of how much of a newbie he is to the "vegetarian" diet.... Twilight, in my opinion, didn't showcase this enough, besides his "in pain/constipated" look while around humans ha ha ha.

I love the "attack scene" [0:47-0:53] because it is slow motion, and really shows Edwards emotion.

Bella on the floor with flowers is of course the photo we saw in Entertainment Weekly last week. Jasper thrown through the piano is a nice touch, poetic really, like foreshadowing if you analyze it enough (which I do)

Edward didn't play the piano for so long, then he met Bella and did, wrote her the lullabye, now the piano is broken via Edward tossing Jasper through it when he tries to attack Bella. Soon Edward breaks up with Bella... maybe I dig to deep for meaning LOL

[1:03] Robert shows Edwards pain well in the break up "This is the last time you'll ever see me" I am so excited.... I thought I knew the forest location at this point (there were a few) but at [1:10] when they panned out I confirmed it was the forest set we were at during filming and also walked through after filming and saw all the pulley's and cables for the different angles of shots. VERY COOL!!!!

Next Time maybe I will lie in the leaves like Bella.... or not.... (I am *SO* kidding I swear, but I have met people who would and likely WILL do that LMAO)

Laurent looks absolutely fabulous with his pasty-dark skin and red menacing eyes.... [1:22] "Mouthwatering" he is just perfect!!!

Now, I am embarassed to admit, but at [1:25] when they showed a topless Taylor Launter I gasped a little.... I mean, he is freaking 17 years old, but all manly!!!! WOW!

Now let's clear this up - Trailors take exciting bits and fuse them together to create the most hype for a movie.....

If we remember Bella's outfit in the meadow there with Laurent, [1:15] it is different than when she runs towards Jacob at his house.... so here's what we see...

Jacob is topless, [1:26] then we see Jacob with a shirt on hop over his porch [1:28] (Yup, Been to that set too - *teehee again*) then we see Laurent prepare to attack [1:28] but he stops and looks to the side (this in the movie will likely be the approach of the wolves, at which time Bella doesn't know Jacob is a wolf... if the movie follows the book - although we know movies don't always), it flashes to Jacob running from his house again [1:29] then we see Bella running away from Laurent with a back pack on [1:30] then Laurent's shock [1:32] then Bella running towards Jacob who has a shirt on, [1:33] Bella is also in a different outfit on and no back pack at this time, and she says "Run Jacob RUN " and he transforms into a wolf....[1:34]

SO - - - clearly this is various scenes meshed together. I would assume that the one scene is Laurent and Bella then wolves come and she runs away.

The other scene is Jacob jumping over his back porch, and running towards Bella who tells him to run, then he transforms into a wolf and jumps over her....

Those two scenes morphed together create a nice brief "story" that is ideal for a trailor because people who don't know the story get an idea of the overall plot, while fans can go WTF and blog for hours about the difference between the movie and the book, what to expect, and like me, dissect every second of the trailor ;)

I have watched the morph the most, as the man (fine fine BOY) to wolf is the most intriguing to me :) And the cgi, and the fact they used taylor's eyes on the wolf and the growl and just - everything!

New Moon is deffo going to be enjoyed by all, but it's HUGE for Team Jacob who will get to see a buffer Taylor Lautner in more scenes than Twilight and with short hair ;) RAWR! (oops, did I say that out loud? nope - typed it - even worse LOL)

I am so very excited to see this movie and am anxious to see things not shown in the trailor like dream sequences, the cliff jumping scenes (which were filmed at multiple locations for different parts, like the jump, the underwater etc.) and of COURSE Italy and the Volturi.... some great new cast on board for this movie and I am thrilled.... waiting in anticipation to see it all come together on the big screen this November :)

For your repeated enjoyment :

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