Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Harry Potter / Twilight Connections

Of course we all know that Robert Pattinson played Cedric Diggory in 2005's Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire (4th movie)

Now Jamie Campbell Bower is in the last Harry Potter film (Deathly Hallows part I and part II, both being filmed now) as Gellert Grindelwald.

FYI - November 2010 and July 2011 are the release dates for the final two films, though both are being filmed currently.

There are connections between the two and also a lot of debate... "pick one, which is better"

I have to say that both movies/books are great.... but the connections are interesting...

Some connections others have noticed:

The buzz words tag on Twilight specifically and the Bella Swan novels in general as “the new Harry Potter” is justifiable beyond the popularity it enjoys with young readers; it’s in many ways the same story.

Like Harry Potter, Twilight’s themes resonate with postmodern core beliefs while illuminating a few of its blind-spots. Certainly we have the celebration of the misunderstood “other,” the tribe(s) alienated by the predominant metanarrative, as the secret keepers holding the answers longed for by those despising them as evil and inhuman. And there’s quite the conflation of sexuality and spirituality, a real signature of our times...

...both Harry Potter and Twilight are “cross-genre bildungsroman novels laden with postmodern themes and religious meaning.”

Who would win in a fight? Harry or Edward?

I saw, who cares.... the more important question is who would you bang ;) *ahem* yea...ha

When it comes to sizzling hot (or marble pale smooth cold....) It's clear that Edward would be the man to bring home... forever.... however, I love both stories very much and find that both series have gotten kids (and moms) reading again.... both contain great magical, mystery and I'd never "choose" one over the other. The fact that the Twilight Series is being filmed locally makes me a tad biased and more involved in the whole thing... but if HP was filmed here I'd be equally thrilled!!!

And the cast from Harry Potter supports Robert:

According to the Digital Spy, both Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) and Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) who were once castmates of Robert Pattinson in the Goblet of Fire movie voiced their support of Rob’s career.

Daniel Radcliffe stated, “I won’t pretend we’re best mates or knew each other really well but we really enjoyed working with each other, or at least I enjoyed working with him! He’s doing brilliantly, which is fantastic.”

Tom Felton said, “It’s just great to see someone who has been in Harry Potter have a life after it, and a much bigger one! So I wish him all the success and I will see Twilight soon, I promise!”

Can I just add - for the record... um - wow! (Used to be a HUGE Draco/Tom fan... still some photos make me go yum... don't judge me!!! *hides*)

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