Saturday, July 18, 2009

*MY* Channing Tatum... married

I remember last September when I heard Channing Tatum got engaged.... they said they planned on a long engagement due to busy schedules....

One week ago today Channing Tatum married his long-time girlfriend and Step Up Co-Star Jenna Dewan.... so much for a long engagement eh? 10 months... I was hoping 10 years... LOL

I really get that feeling in the pit of my stomache like... ugh!

It's so silly, I mean I am a married woman, and don't actually believe that I would ever have a chance with Channing, however, it was nice believing he was on the market forever for me to drool over... which I still can, via movies... same as always... LOL....

I think he is indeed the perfect man... shh.. (don't tell my husband that) and I am glad he found true love... even if it isn't me ;)

At least I get to see him in a few short weeks in GI JOE... which he filmed while still unmarried ;) ha ha ha


  1. i love him his my long time cruuuussshhhh my gosh he should marrye me instead. hehehe i hope . .time will tell. .i so love him so much. .

  2. omg yes he is really sexy but face it ladies he's taken by his beautiful wife! goodluck channing have a happy life! :)

  3. Omw I love him i love him i love him. Im glad he is happy though even if its not with me *deep-sigh*
