Thursday, August 6, 2009

Channing Tatum & GI JOE ... um, rawr

GI JOE comes out this weekend... I promised my husband I'd go see it with him and he is not home this weekend sooo... I must wait grrr...

Channing Tatum is *MY* Edward...

I adore RPattz and have recently came out of my "wolf-pup" closet.... but when it comes down to it.... Channing Tatum is *the* definition of sexy...

in fact.... when I met my husband, his resemblence to Channing Tatum was an obvious perk...

figures now, my husband is less a fan of the guy... might be the puddle of drool (and possible other bodily fluids - - um... did I jsut type that... ah well)

Moving on....

With GI JOE coming out, Channing is *finally* getting some very much deserving coverage on late-night tv, news magazines and internet... YAY

Last night he was on Jimmy fallon... see it?

I can't find it on youtube (yet) but here's a link to a clip about *sob* his wedding and "mini-moon"

Also a lil interview with him & his co-star Sienna Miller

Watch CBS Videos Online

The Dirty Dancing Spoof is pretty horrible until the dance part at the end....LOL But, it has topless Channing sooo... defo go check it out ;)

Here's what else he has been up to - - - ok I just wanna look at lot's of pictures... mmmm

After leaving New York yesterday, Channing Tatum made a pit stop in route to tonight’s Los Angeles premiere to attend an early screening for some very special fans. Chan and Marlon Wayans continued the ‘G.I. Joe’ world-wide press tour by honoring local service men and women through a Hometown Hero Screening of ‘G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra in San Diego, California.

And most importantly (to tie back into Twilight.....) When he was rumoured to be up to play Riley in Eclipse I was SOOO excited....

Granted, he is too big, old and WAY TOUGHER than "Edward" - - I just wanted Channing in Vancouver, close to me ;)

Here is a funny video where he is asked about Twilight and also his (now-wife... shuddupinyoface) is asked about Robert or Channing...

frankly, I share her answer (SHHHhhh... don't hate me... I just love my Chan!)

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