Monday, August 17, 2009

How twitter has changed Rob Pattinson's life

Daily Record UK has an interview with RPattz that I found quite hilariously true....:

"I can't remember what my normal life is like," he admitted in one of his quieter moments.

"Because of internet stuff and Twitter, there will be a crowd if you are in a place for more than half an hour.

"I've learned never to stay in the same place for more than 20 minutes."

Poor guy - it's so true - I have been just as guilty of it... not tweeting it but following tweet info to meet the cast during Twilight Saga - New Moon filming in Vancouver.

To be honest, I am kind of over it this time... although I totally want to see all the sets they use, the stalking them in the streets theme is way scary - I mean have you walked downtown this week? WOW! there is never no one camped outside their hotel or fave hot spots... it's insane!!!

[via TwiCrack]

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