Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rob Pattinson is Alive & Well & on Set.

Although I only briefly popped by the set used Mon-Wed on the first day to snap a photo of the entrance/exit point I know that this week's filming was busy and productive.

Today, Rob emerged and was spotted arriving on set and going to his trailor.

This made fans happy. But not too happy.

No, despite seeing RPattz in the flesh and/or in these photos below, fans were not overly happy. The complaining and bickering about the photos soon began only moments after the photos emerged.

I have learned much from this whole Twi-Filming Experience thus far and the #1 thing is - some twi-fans will never be happy unless Rob is literally in their arms making out with them - - - creepy!

Here are the photos (they are not mine, I did not and will not be going to this School Set)

Going to his trailor:

And this morning arriving on set:

PopSugar Says:

Robert Pattinson Emerges on Eclipse Set!

OMG, finally. Robert Pattinson was spotted today in the back of a car arriving on the set of Eclipse in Vancouver. He's been laying low since the famous Kings of Leon concert featuring the possible kiss with Kristen, but we can now all breathe a little easier. Edward Cullen is back— happy Thursday!

Of course we know Rob has been busy, even though he hasn't been seen, on set this week with Kristen, who also worked with Taylor in the meadow, on the beach and in the forest. (See Details here)

New Moon was so much more relaxed, the cast could go out and enjoy themselves and were willing to pop out and say hi after filming.... Eclipse -

And I am not expecting them (well especially Rob, Kristen, Taylor) to give the fans much, if any attention because they have allegedly been instructed NOT TO!!! Any "goods" the fans get only enhances the eagerness other fans have and it gets really chaotic, really fast.

In Other News - Some friends of mine met the humans and other cast members recently.

Also see Rob as Edward - Yummy Photos


  1. LOL @ PopSugar: "we can now all breathe a little easier." ?? Haha, but HE can't! :P

  2. people need to stop complaining that they can't get to him. Rob isn't their friend! lol!!

    i'm glad things are tighter. Eclipse could have easily turn into Rob's Remember Me experiences *shudder*

  3. people should give them a break they are just doing there jobs. so stop complaining all ready. but rob is still much more hotter than ever!!!
