Thursday, August 6, 2009

SYTYCD Season 5 Finale

First and Foremost - Congrats to Jeanine.....

She was not a favourite from the start for me, though I always found her stunning, but she worked hard and definately pulled ahead. And 21.6 million votes came in... amazing!!!

If twitter's trending topics had anything to say about it (and really, they do when it's a fan voting based show) Jeanine was predicted to win as of last night when she was ahead of the other four for trending topics.... and then today when her name was the only one still in trending topics....

It was an amazing Top 4 and I was really thinking Kayla could have won but Brandon would, simply because men always seem to win on that darn show.

I have to say I really thought Brandon would win it... I am so glad Jeanine did... was shocked Kayla came in 4th, however, she is such an amazing young lady I see a bright future for her regardless.....

Evan... oh Evan... underdog since day one and a HUGE fan fave...

Pure SYTYCD had an insider tidbit from the Performance show last night:

“…the amount of criticism the judges gave Evan became torturous (they cut a lot of it from the actual show) to the point where everyone felt so bad they started chanting Evan’s name. Sympathy win is more than possible – its likely. However, Jeanine had the most fans there. I would love to see her win it.”

I love Evan and can't wait to see his brother on Season 6 startnig in September.

Other highlights from the finale of course include:

  • Amazing favourite dances from the season
  • Judges included in part of one routine
  • Preview of "Fame" which Kherington stars in and Debi Allen also stars
  • Seeing all the top 20 dance
  • Lot's of tears and ovations
  • Tyce's friend Michelle (whom he choreographed the "breast cancer" routine for) is cancer-free :)
  • 5500 people at the theatre live

    If you missed it - you missed a great episode.

    Congrats again to Jeanine.... amazing woman!
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