Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Teen Choice Awards Controversy

I don't get what the controversy was over Miley Cyrus pole dancing - it really wasn't much...

Miley saying Britney Spears was her idol was a bit much... tends to predict which path the good lil girl will take eh? Just what the world needs another lil innocent school girl gone crazy-psycho-slut.... and all start off being "Disney" kids... interesting!

Now, True Blood being nominated for a TEEN CHOICE AWARD... THAT was more shocking to me than Miley's booty shake on a pole in her short shorts!

Why the HELL are teens watching True Blood?

It's full nudity, sex, gore, blood, bow chick wow wow!!! I mean these photos are TAME by comparison to what we see on True Blood...

I am almost 30 and I love it... but what teen should really be spending their Sunday Nights watching it?

Go do your homework kids!



  1. that shocked me too. my oldest is 14 and there is no way i would let him watch. in fact, my brother was shocked that *I* watch it lol

  2. I don't think that Miley at the pole is a big deal but I think that she is more cheaper everytime I see her... Music it's ok and great but look and everything - not that into ....

  3. I missed the awards so had heard nothing about the drama. Must a agree though, I'd be more concerned about the fact that teens are watching TB and less about the fact that Cyrus worships what's her face.

  4. im 18 and ive been watching true blood since it came out its a really good show and i also thing kids under a certain age should not be watching it because of the nudity and sex in it but if it didnt have that then it would be alright, because most kids are into that kind of stuff (the blood and gore).
