Thursday, August 27, 2009

Twitter Drama

I will simply say that it becomes very clear, very fast, who is sane and who is not when you are on twitter.

I apologize to those who had to endure the drama, I really am not sure why I even dignified the idiots with a reply... nor why I am doing this blog, other than the pure fact that a lot of people have asked what happened and who the heck these crazy people are...

Long Story Short -

@Linzkittie jokingly posted that WC stood for a Pool in Langley (one I have not heard of as I am not from Langley) I RT'd her with an OIE and again with a heh heh.... she was clearly joking, as she also posted that RPattz hadn't been seen because he was at her house LOL

I guess I should have been more careful to clearly state I was RTing a joke because soon many people RT'd it as though I was saying it was a set

This is silly since I do not generally post set locations before filming as a rule.

Anyways - I guess some people decided this was a great opportunity to call me names and make me look like a liar - which is fine - I don't expect everyone (or anyone) to like me or agree with how I do things.... I have enough friends in my life that even if all of twitter hated me - I could still feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in my life LOL

After hours of bashing and name calling I finally got fed up and replied and defended myself, trying to explain the misunderstanding but it was too late - certain twitter people had already made up their minds and used this chance to attack me publicly - which is their choice....

I only RT'd the WC thing twice and both I thought were clearly jokes...

So saying I am a liar and that I don't have information and that I am being greedy and keeping set info to myself is really silly because I have no reason to lie... i simply don't share information until after due to the proven amount of crazy people on twitter... I have over 1000 followers and I can't guarantee any (or even most) are sane - so why feed information to people ? Information I work hard to figure out and get ? If that's greedy - so be it, but it is my choice to do as I wish with information I obtain... end of story.

I never claim to be the go-to for everything Twilight, in fact I don't want to be the go-to if you're interested in set-stalking...

Been There.
Done That.
Got the t-shirt.


My goal is only to blog for my own interest and to let people who can't come to the sets know what is going on - not to let everyone local know ahead of time where to show up with their Edward Dolls and sleeping bags.... this only leads to changed schedules, changed locations, increassed security teams and additional equipment needed, not to mention safety risks for fans, cast and crew.

I did not and will not go to the school set... (which said twitter psycho claimed to be filming at yesterday - when i knew that was false, I didn't bother calling her out... instead let her tweet away details until she realized it wasn't going to film yesterday or last night, then see her back-track and tweet that she never said it was filming only setting up LOL) Geez!

I didn't go to the shcool set for New Moon either during filming, but after... which is my preference at most sets lately.

Since the other day's "twitter drama" I have noticed an increase in Anonymous or New Members commenting negatively on my blogs and other public forums.... why they continue to waste their time under the shield of anonimity is beyond me... I guess I have made a huge impact in their lives and the obsession can't cease.

It's clearly one or two people who are, for some reason, intent on bringing me down...

Sadly, they can't.

I won't let them.

I am a very positive person and have lot's of great support, but if they wish to focus their time on me - that is fine... shows how little of a life of their own they truly have.

That being said - I will move on and move forward and leave the petty immature psychopaths in my dust :)



    You rock Mandy.

    PS: Where can I get me some of that Edward sleeping bag action? ;)

  2. I agree with nbgirl! High Five to you Mandy! You rock! Those peeps are psycho set stalkers! I like that you don't give out where they are filming. If they don't believe what you say or take it wrong they should not follow you in the first place. They don't have a life!

  3. i couldn't believe how nuts that went on Twitter. i saw you do the RT and it just totally snowballed. and yes, your RT was clearly meant as a JOKE. people are sooooo hung up on getting to the sets, i can't believe(or actually maybe i can when i think of how nuts Twilight fans can get), that people actually camped out at todays set last night. and people are wondering WHY Rob is hiding. UGH!

    I love reading your blog! You give us fans that don't live up there an insider’s view of what is happening on set.
    All I have to say is GIVE ME MORE! PLEASE :)

  5. Hey Mandy,
    I love reading your blog! People can be so immature. I totally respect your decision to keep set information to yourself. It helps to prevent all the crazies from stalking the cast!!!! Let people do their own dirty work :)

  6. I totally agree with you. There`s no point in being at a live set(The crew will probably block your view and you won`t see anything). Crazy fans and lots of screaming and I don`t get why people tell to strangers where the sets are, I don`t get it.. It makes their chances of meeting the cast much smaller.

    I`m actually from Estonia(It`s in Northern Europe) and I`m glad that I can get information about the cast and filming of the movies from a sane person.

    I think of myself as a sane fan, though I haven`t met any worldwide known actors(I don`t think I ever will), so I don`t know how I would act when I meet them, but I think that I won`t act all crazy.

    So I`m totally on your side. Let the cast and crew work!

  7. You're doing a great job Mandy!! Keep it up. I started following you because of Twilight but found that you are interested in a lot of things that I am interested in too. And being local is just a bonus. I always look forward to reading your posts. =)
