Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bobby Long Photos

I did blog the basic deets from the Bobby Long Show in Vancouver Monday.

Also there is a video of the exit of "Robsten"

Some tabloids are titling the video's on youtube of this event as a "date" - seriously? A bunch of friends went out to watch a friend play his music.... after wards they went back to hotel and either slept, drank and partied or banged.... I don't care which....

Anyways - here are some of my photos from that night... finally... I have so many photos from sets the past two weeks and I have just been so busy I haven't been able to keep up with uploading photos, tagging them (which it seems neccessary nowadays sadly) and then posting them... I promise to get caught up soon!

Here are My Bobby Long Concert Photos....[I had tons, but these are just my faves]

Also a pic with Elizabeth (apparently I am "creepy" for taking a photo with her in the bathroom - however, she actually said she wanted to do so in the bathroom because she didn't want to take attention away from Bobby...) and I cropped me out, once again, no need to spread my mug all over the net ha ha

And when the Twi-Cast left, I didn't realize my cam was zoomed in so we got a nice super close up of Rpattz ear ;) I tried to zoom out and take a new one, but as seen in the video, it was chaotic and I didn't want to push my way through fans and papz to try and snap a flash in an obviously uncomfortable Rpattz hidden face.

And The Paparazzi's Photos...

Please Read my report on what happened at Bobby Long

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