Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cam Gigandet in a musical with Christina Aguilera and Cher?

According to Peres

"It's about a girl from the Midwest who moves out to Los Angeles to pursue her career as a singer," explains Cam. "Obviously, it's Christina Aguilera, so she has an amazing voice. She finds a club run by Cher, a burlesque club. And she takes it to a whole new level and, of course, meets me — the love of her life."
The film has been highly anticipated since it was announced last June and the hottie may be just what the movie needs by way of teenage girl appeal.
"I am a struggling piano player, and I'm currently working as a bartender at Cher's burlesque club," said Gigandet of his character. "Christina and I meet, fall in love, and drama ensues."

[Via TwiCrack

1 comment:

  1. Is this for real??? I can't believe Cher is going back to acting, and that Cam would be cast with CHRISTINA!
