Monday, September 28, 2009

Fans Flock to Vancouver for filming... Let's Try To Be Nice...

The Vancouver Sun has an article about Twilight filming Friday.

It was filming at Bella's House and while many fans went, I was at Sam Bradley's Concert. I do have some great photos of set-up and take-down of Bella's set and will post that blog tonight with some cool shots of props that were being taken into the interior of the house (therefore not seen from exterior photos most people have posted) Check back to night for those.

Here is part of their article:

METRO VANCOUVER — Imagine one of Canada's famous Mounties. You know, the ones who appear in movies with giant stetsons and bright red serge tunics.

Now imagine vampires.

Canada's famous police force and the world's even more famous vampires had a meeting of sorts on Friday in Surrey, British Columbia, during a film shoot for Eclipse, the third instalment in the uber-popular Twilight series.
A small mob had gathered, anxious to catch a glimpse of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart (Edward and Bella), Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen) and the other Twilight stars.

In fact, Twilight's stars are so magnetic that they are attracting fans from across the Lower Mainland and deep into the United States. Visitors to the set Friday included people from as far as the Eastern United States.
Stefani and her mom took advantage of a professional development day to head to the set. "I want to maybe meet the director," said Stefani, 10. "The stars too."

Tracy, a Seattle woman who wouldn't reveal her last name, said she had been waiting by the set since 11 a.m. Friday, part of a steady stream of people who had been popping by all day.

"I live in Seattle and came up for the weekend for a girl's weekend," she said.

"One of the girls has kids and we're all Twilight fans."

As for the crowd of people, Tracy said most were relaxed and just happy to be around other Twilight fans.

"We're spending time talking about Twilight itself and the sets. Some people are from Michigan and Pennsylvania. It's nice."

The attraction for Tracy and her friends?

"We can say we've been to the set when the movie comes out."

It's cute to hear these things from fans.

I know twitter was a buzz with people freaking out because fans at the set Friday were refering to "Rob" as "Edward" while others were thinking that they saw Taylor (who was in L.A. for the Teen Vogue Party)

Yesterday I met a fan who had been at the set Friday and told me how upsetting it was to hear people "bad mouthing" little kids.... she said that it was young girls 10-12 years old who were "guilty" of calling Rob "Edward" and thinking they saw Taylor. (Anyone who has been to a set knows those cars are tinted and often if they don't roll a window down you have to either look at a photo you took or make your best guess on who was inside.)

I think it is so sad how vicious the Twilight Fan Community has become. When people who were not there or do not know the people get angry at what they hear (ie - How stupid are you to call "ROB" by "EDWARD" he is a character people!!!) They are just kids!! Give them a break!!!

I encourage everyone to try and be a little nicer, especially to the younger fans... this should be a time of excitement and happiness for all fans - New Moon comes out soon and Eclipse will be done filming soon... we should all just enjoy the ride!


  1. Amen to that! I was in Vancouver just over a week ago and I was lucky enough to partake in two different set tours. The first was great as it was just me and the guide and we gabbed about all things Twilight the entire day. The second was not so great because the guide would slyly imply certain things about cast members. I guess Robsten rumors was part of the package I didn't know about!

    I traveled to Vancouver by myself and I met a lot of interesting people from around the world (as far as Australia and NZ) who just enjoyed talking about favorite books, scenes, movie quotes and the possibility of running into the stars. So some people might mix up the character with the actor. Does it matter? So long as everyone is nice to each other, especially the actors then just enjoy the moment for what is is.

  2. Yeah! Well said, as always :)


  3. this is one reason why i've stayed away from sets so far; some of the *fans* are just nuts! and if a 1/4 of the stories from sets are true, i may not go to one at all!

    I was reading on one website someone was saying that friends of her's live in Bella's house-i couldn't stop laughing long enough to read the rest of the story lol

  4. I have heard rob say in an interview he prefers it when a mob of fans yell "Edward" at him, because he finds it intimidating when he hears his own name screamed at him and because he hopes the hype around him dies off a bit when the hype around twilight dies a bit in a few years time, so he can have hope of a more "normal" life without bodyguards...
    I do not know if this theory is going to fly, but let those kids yell "Edward" and everybody is happy...if you make such a big deal of what kids are yelling, you have got to get a life...
