Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I remember seeing this show and thinking how nerdy I was for liking it.

I was thrilled to learn I am not the only nerd and when it replayed the pilot I watched again, this time with my husband, and enjoyed it even more (you really catch on to more of those lil one-liners with a second viewing)

With song, dance, teen aged drama and hilarious teachers, it's not shocking it has been a great success. it is entertaining, witty and fun.

Last week's football players doing "Single Ladies" was friggin' PRICELESS~!

If you haven't - check the show out... Mark Salling who plays "Puck" is totally hot... and Jane Lynch who plays Sue the Cheerleading coach is absolutely HILARIOUS!!!


  1. Hi-5 nerd!! I <3 Glee & I don't care who knows.

  2. i love Jane Lynch; she is one of my favorites. Glee is the best new show i have watched in a long time. can't wait for it again tonight!
