Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today's Live Set Report - Jacob's Garage

Today was a good day.

I love Jacob's House.

It was the first Twilight Set I ever saw (during New Moon).

It is close to my home. (Please don't stalk me).

It looks EXACTLY how I pictured it when I read the books.

I know the girl who used to live there.

It just stands out as my favourite set.

So, a few days ago I noticed "movement" at the house and barn (used as garage) and anticipated filming soon.

I knew today was live filming and was glad to be "stuck at work" (working in the sun all day - yes, it was tough, I got sunburned ha ha) and not waiting for hours on end outside the set which was barricaded off so far away from his house that you could see literally nothing.... (been ther e- done that - New Moon Sets)

I did go by with a few friends right when they wrapped about 5:30pm

Sadly I *just* missed Taylor and Kristen leaving set to go to the circus (hair/wardrobe area).

Shortly after, however, we did see Kristen and then Taylor's vehicle leave for the day.

It was funny because there was a giant black bear in the middle of the road and so I (instead of freaking out) tried to snap a photo.... and behind the bear was Kristen's vehicle barrelling along... luckily it scared the bear away (which was good because the bear looked kinda huge and possibly hungry and was walking towards the small gathering of fans beside me - some of which had small children)

It's not every day you can claim "Kristen Stewart saved my life" (Slight Major Exageration... but it's funny!)

Anyways - Here are some photos from the set after they wrapped this evening:

There were a few rumours that Rob was on set and snuck out the back - this is not true - I am almost positive!

I am careful to ever state 100% anything unless I know there is absolutely no chance... but I am about 98% certain he was not there because a very reliable person told me he was somewhere else (which I can't say anything about right now and I am sooo sorry to even bring it up when I can't say - - but... I just wanted to clear it up that Rpattz was NOT on set - - why would he be at Jakes anyways?)

Moving on....

here are some photos from the other day during set up:

I didn't see a whole lot today - I know others got some pics and video of Kstew and Taylor (who left in their own vehicles not together fyi)

**rant time**

Rumour is a certain person has a certain photo of a certain cast member - which they stupidly [tho not shockingly] posted all over twitter.... THEN tried to get certain companies to pick them up for their websites... LOL.... hilarious attempts at fame.... Twilight Internet Fame... *eye roll* I have learned a thing or two about that in the past 6 months...

I have to tell you internet fame is NOT all it's cracked up to be.... I kinda wanna go undercover - LOL

I am obviously kidding, but I never wanted to be the go-to-girl for everything twilight - i joke with my closest friends about being the new 411....

in all honesty though I have learned ALOT in the past 6 months about how to go about everything and keep the most people happy... (you can never please eveeryone!) which is why I have stopped telling live set locations, I hold on to phtoos until a set is wrapped and also why I keep certain things private... I don't want to be the one ruining it for everyone.... I am content with this method and people still enjoy reading my blog - so that is great news :)


**end Rant**

Tomorrow they are filming one of my most anticipated scenes and sadly i will be working all day and unable to go - i do have a special friend going by to snap some pics and report to me in full details - so tomorrow night I can fill you in on the special scene ;)

Gah! I should be asleep.....

Good Night!

PS - is it weird I labelled the live set pics from today simply "jake's"? if #1 - He is a real person and #2 - I know him well enough to call him Jake and not Jacob


1 comment:

  1. Wow, the photo with the bear, first I thought it was a fake bear for the movie somehow. I live in The Netherlands, Europe and we only see bears here at the zoo! Great pictures of the set, thanks for sharing, although I'm so far away I feel like I'm closeby thanks to you!

