Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ashley Greene Interview in Vanity Fair So you’re in Vancouver right now on the set of Eclipse …

Ashley Greene: I am. I just got to set! It’s an hour drive every day, really pretty; we’re way out in the middle of nowhere.

What are you filming today?

There’s a lot of action in this [movie], a lot of fight-sequence choreography. Me, Nikki [Reed], and Kellan [Lutz] are working today, and we’re doing another installment of the fight sequences. We’re doing a section of the huge vampire/Cullen/wolf/newborn battle.

Ashley on the cast:

Have there been any changes in the way you interact as a cast?

Yeah, a little bit. We’ve gotten to know each other, we’ve been thrown together, and we’re working together six days a week, 12 hours a day. So we’ve definitely gotten to know each other better, and there’s a lot of real chemistry. There are also days when you know someone’s grumpy! There’s one big thing that we can all relate to, and that is how all of our lives have changed drastically. We can rely on each other a little bit more. If someone’s going through something, there’s someone else in the cast who has gone through something or who is going through the same thing. It’s nice.

Full Interview Here


**Fyi - it isn't an hour drive each way to that set from downtown... unless there is major traffic... otherwise I'd say 40 minutes LOL

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