Thursday, October 1, 2009

Glee How do I love Thee - let me count the ways...

Glee, How do I love thee... let me count the ways...


Mike Salling topless. He always looks hot - but the more skin they show the hotter it is... he is adorable and his character makes him even more sexy... the young stud every cougar in town is banging - ok that's not so hot - unless you are the cougar... ha!

With guest stars like Emmy winning Kristin Chenoweth as a boozy former Glee Club member this show stays fresh, funny and interesting.


Jane Lynch as the cheerleader coach / hard-ass teacher makes me laugh out loud. I still love Two & a Half Men reruns and new episodes with her as Charlie's psychologist.


Matthew Morrison - I wouldn't turn my head if I passed this guy on the street, but something about the way he puts together his character and sings and dances and inspires and just.... ya he is awesome!


Ever Flaboyant and Proud - Single Ladies was priceless....


The most absurd group of people coming together to sing and dance... it is great!

There are many more reasons to love this show - but I say CHECK IT OUT and comment why you love it - cuz you will ;)


  1. how have i not caught that his name is Matthew Morrison? i have one of those too lol

    i've said it before, Glee is the BEST new show in a very long time. it is fabulous!

  2. i reckon that Matthew Morrison looks like a white version of Orlando Bloom. Every single time i watch it, that's who i get in my head!
