Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Joshua Jackson is Awesome

Today - I met Joshua Jackson....

I had the day off so I went with a friend to check out Bella's House and it's deconstruction and on the way back we saw Fringe signs and decided, what the hey?

So we followed the signs to the crew park but didn't see a set, so we were heading back to the highway (though a different route) and saw a fake Police Car... and who was standing in front of it?

Joshua Jackson!

We parked and quickly went across the street and he had just gotten into his car. The security said "How's it going?" and I said "We just saw Joshua Jackson and were going to say hi" and then Joshua Jackson says "hi" from his car, window down!!!

He leaned out to shake our hands and we asked if we could take a photo of him. He said, "Sure no problem" and then he actually hopped out of the car (we were ecstatic, we really thought we'd just get a photo OF him ha ha)

He hopped out - boy is he taller than I imagined... He joked a bit and gave us hugs and was super duper sweet and chatty. We each got photos with him and I seriously can't even explain how SWEET he was!!!


Pix on my friends Cam so hopefully post them tonight or tomorrow :-)

Pacey Rules!!!!

PS - The photo above has me cropped out because - it's a bad photo of me but those of you who are my facebook friend can see the whole pic in my album "Other Random Filming Encounters"


  1. wow really!1 i love fringe
    he's so awesome tottally love him
    please post soon the photo
    Lorelay :P

  2. I'm so jealous! Jelous from Argentina!
    Cute post! and nice Pic!

  3. SO very very very jealous!!! *sigh* I was a HUGE Pacey fan, but now it's all about Peter Bishop!!! Thanks so much for your updates and your posts!!! (ugh, he's SOOOOO adorable!!!)
