Monday, October 26, 2009

Robhab, the new Rehab....

I saw this at Robsessed and it made me giggle:

The 6 stages of Robert Pattinson Addiction

Stage 1: The Experimenter – you watch HP GoF and Twilight. You get your first glimpse of Rob and have that holy sh*t moment.

He's kind of cute, I wonder who he is. I'll check the credits at the end of the movie.

The rest of the stages after I get my next RobHit from the RobPipe (oooo so durty)…

Stage 2: The Social User – you casually browse the internet for video & pictures.

Stage 3: The Full Blown User – right-click save has caused your hand to start to resemble a mangled claw. You have an extensive perhaps hidden stash of Rob Porn that you visit several times daily.

Stage 4
: The Addict – you find yourself trolling blogs, Rob sites, tweeting other addicts trying to find anything you can about Rob & his whereabouts.

Stage 5: The Dealer – making videos and Rob Porn, twittering & posting pics and Rob Porn to Addicts, users, social users and experimenters in an attempt to hook them further.

Stage 6:
The KingPin Dealer – you start a blog, website or write your own fan fiction. At this stage your addicted and dealing RobPorn like it’s your job LOL. This group includes the likes of me, FakerParis, Gozde, UC, Moon and the list goes on and on and on.


Ok - personally.... I never hit Stage 3, ok maybe for a day, but only to fully succeed at stage 4.

Stage 5 I hit but not just for Rob and not neccessarily for my own addicition...

I don't do fanfic which I feel is a stage 7.... but I do have a blog so I suppose I am a stage 6 - oh my!


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