Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Dread" Starring Jackson Rathbone to be released January 29th

Jackson Rathbone’s new movie ‘Dread’ now has an official new Facebook page. The page will be updated regularly until its January 29th release. Click here for the link.

Also, Fangoria says:"It’s one of the more complicated scenes to capture in the new Clive Barker film DREAD. Actors Jackson (TWILIGHT) Rathbone and Hanne Steen must play slightly drunk while getting hot and heavy during a romantic date in the countryside. At one point, they climb onto the hood of their car and release back into the wild a once-injured crow Rathbone’s character has rescued. Except the crow isn’t playing ball."

Jackson is hot, he is a great actor, and he is hot... so I wanna see him whenever, wherever, so January I will go see this...

1 comment:

  1. Check out my Sista's Vid spam on
    She went a little nuts with the JRath vids. Dread comes out on the same night that we seem the 100 Monkeys play at the Viper Room...EEEK!
