Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Even More Vanity Fair Outtakes of Robert Pattinson

Seriously - these piano ones get me *EVERY TIME*

Like just sitting listneing to him play, the wind blowing then losing control and falling off the bench and frolicking through the grass in clothes from the 1800s.... wait... what... no, scrap the clothes all together ;) ha ha ha!

Tell me you don't want to lay in the grass with him?!?!?

thank-you Vanity Fair you will be on my thank-you list for thanksgiving!

[Vanity Fair via kick-ass blog]

1 comment:

  1. He looks so great in classic clothes! He looks like a poet or movie star from the 20's or 30's. Yep, I'd definitely lay in the grass with him, but I'm sure he'd kick me out, LOL.
