Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hot Topic / New Moon Boutique in NYC Times Square

We Are The Trinity posted this:
“Alright, here’s the scoop we got from a Toys R Us employee who just so happened to be a total TwiHard herself (made it easier to pry information out of her!):

- This exclusive Hot Topic/New Moon “boutique” is not currently open to the public. It is believed to be opening this weekend, possibly as early as tomorrow. The Volturi chairs still need to be hung and they haven’t finished stocking the shelves and putting out all the merch (yes, there is MORE than what you see!).

- The dirtbikes and Volturi chairs are OFFICIAL from the New Moon set in Vancouver – they are inaccessible to the public. Basically, they are a “look don’t touch” type of deal. As mentioned above, the Volturi chairs will be hung up high out of reach of the public.

- This exclusive Hot Topic/New Moon “boutique” will run through December – which means you better get there ASAP!”

Even without a cast event planned here, you need to go check this out. The entire “boutique” is about the size of a Hot Topic store itself - if Hot Topic ONLY sold Twilight/New Moon merch! It is basically your one-stop TwiHard shop.


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