Saturday, November 21, 2009

Inside New Moon Cullen House

These photos have been online for a while because the family who lives there does a home exchange with people around the world.

Now, because the house is for sale (good timing obviously) there are photos of the interior all over the internet.

There is obviously more I could say about this house and the home owners who I have spoken to a few times (they were always quite polite and nice) but Let's just show the photos - since that's what people want to see :-)

Most recognizable parts of the house (remember they cleared everything out and green screened walls to look more like the 1st Cullen House)

Lot's of windows, forest, and open concept floor plan made it easily transferable to become the "Cullen House"

And not in film but for fans who went to house this is recognizable -

But also, the far left is where they filmed Dr Cullen mending Bella's arm, you can see the terrace/wood panel outside the window in the scene and also here beside the door outside.

and less identifiable (not used in the movie)but shows whatta cool house it is:


  1. lol. nice! why doesn't Summit just buy the property so they can use it to film Breaking Dawn..... wait, if someone else bought this and isn't OK with lending out the place for filming, then they will have to find yet ANOTHER house to film for BD? BD got lots of Cullen House scenes... in fact, MOST of BD is in that house!

  2. We stayed in this house when we did a home exchange with the owner. It is an awesome house, even nicer than shown in the photos. We didn't see New Moon but the house is also in the movie "The Martian Child". Our favorite part of the house is the lowest floor where our bedroom looked out onto the redwood forest that surrounds the house.
