Sunday, November 29, 2009

Julia Jones Interview - Beauty, Eclipse and more

In another Beauty Secrets Examiner exclusive, the Examiner had the pleasure of interviewing Julia Jones from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. In this interview, Julia talks beauty products, beauty advice, and of course, Eclipse!

What is your daily beauty regimen?
Julia: It's pretty basic. I have very sensitive skin and I've found that less is more. I wash my face with Dove soap, put on Neutrogena Ultra Sheer sunscreen with 30 spf, and a little makeup.

Is it different when filming?
Julia: When I'm filming, I just wash my face and use sunscreen. The biggest difference is that makeup remover becomes a big part of my regimen. Pond's has great wet cleansing towelettes for that, but I didn't have any in Canada so I found Chamomile and Green Tea eye makeup remover by earthscience.

Do you have anything in common with your Eclipse character, Leah?
Julia: I have always been really athletic and loved hanging out and competing with the boys growing up. Also, I think we're both independent, strong willed, and stubborn.

What drew you to her role?
Julia: Leah is full of contradictions, which I love. She's mean and tortured and she can be very unpleasant, but she's really just in a lot of pain and she can't bring herself to ask for help, so instead she pushes everyone away. I was attracted to playing with those layers because it's a very common disposition I think, and people going through that are so often misunderstood.

Who would you love to work with in the future?

Julia: Kevin Spacey, Jessica Lange, Paul Greengrass, Woody Allen, Mike Nichols.

Read More at Examiner

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