Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mistakes in New Moon

There are a lot of "mistakes" in New Moon, I only noticed one of these... but compared to Twilight (which had way too many errors to list) it was pretty well done... all movies have slight blips...

There are more listed here

Continuity: After Bella awakes from the first nightmare, we see her Romeo and Juliet book on thepillow beside her. When Charlie brings in her presents the book is gone, but then reappears on the pillow between shots.

Continuity: Bella goes to Italy to save Edward. Alice drops Bella off - when Bella gets out of the car to ask where Edward will be, first you see Bella in front of the car door, then she is suddenly behind the car door.

Visible crew/equipment: In the montage scenes where we see Bella's depression, when the camera is circling her, the camera man is shown in the mirror (twice) behind her.

[ Mandy's Mind - I noticed when they did this the face shown did NOT look like Kristen Stewart, I thought maybe it was a stand-in instead... I didn't notice the crew... I thought it was done on a machine... hmmm... ]

Continuity: When Edward takes Bella to the forest to tell her he is leaving, Bella's hair hangs down her back. But in a following shot most of it is tucked up in the hood of her coat.

Continuity: When Alice jumps over the staircase in school to wish Bella happy birthday, between shots during the scene the positioning of the decorated scarf around her neck varies.


  1. well I like twilight I love Rob but New Moon didnt impress me I havent watch it twice maybe is because thats my least favorite book I just like Edward in that movie & Alice nothing else

  2. I can't wait to go see it for a fifth time to watch for all the errors. I'm also watching for all the subtle things Chris Weitz promised. I've found one so far, still looking for more.
