Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Munich Fan Event - a Fan's Perspective

One of the most awesome things about Twilight and the filming in Vancouver is the WONDERFUL people I have met. Not just locally, but literally around the world. Barbara is from Germany and I met her this summer when she was vacationing in BC and across North America. She was lucky enough to attend the Twilight Saga New Moon event in Munich and sent me this lovely email:

Hi Mandy,ist's me, Barbara from Munich. You won't belive it but I was there at the Fanevent for New Moon in Munich. It was so cool!

I am a member of the german Fansite RobertPattinsonFans.com (RPF). We met with about 50 RPF-fans from all over germany at the Olympic Hall where the event took place. It was so nice to meet in person and share this moments with Rob, Kristen, Taylor and Chris together.In the first place this was a sports event, the Munich 6 days, with bicycle races and music acts inbetween from 1pm to 5pm.

As the highlight of this year they managed to get the Twilight stars on stage. And I was so lucky to get a ticket! We had so much fun. The hosts of the show heated the hall with every race and every band. At 4pm the air was vibrating with nearly 20.000 people crying louder and louder whenever twilight was mentioned. It was so exciting.First we saw the german Trailer and then new extended sceens from New Moon (the same as in London). And then they came on stage. Oh my god!!!!!!!

What are they cute. They are so modest, so nice, so polite. You could see that they were deeply impressed, fighting with their emotions. And Chris was amzing as well. I have a good feeling that he knows what he is doing. I belive that New Moon will be great. Rob thanked the fans for beeing here, even in german with an ever so nice "dankeschön". So cute!Then they received a price [Prize] for Twilight.

The "Otto" is the greates youth price in Europe. Famous people like Michael Jackson, Madonna and Jonny Depp got one. They received it for the best movie of the year. The three were realy happy with this and thanked in a very modest way.

The hall was exploding. I was deaf for hours.Then they left. They were only 10 to 15 minutes on stage but worth every second. It was so exciting. It was such a strong experience. It was unbelivable! Rob said that he will remember this when he is old, and so will I.

Thank you for your lovely blog. I read nearly every day. If you want you can post this on your blog. I could ask permission for some more pictures to add from a RPF-fan who made realy good ones. I filmed but it was so dark in the hall that it is not good.

I am so I happy I saw Rob and the others in person. Attached find 3 pictures from me (with the red orange scarf; we all wore something in this colour to recognice eachother) and other RPF-fans just for you to remember me. Barbara(babego from RPF.com)

Thank-you so much Barbara for your email. If she sends me some photos from the event I will post them also :)

1 comment:

  1. Hy my name is Barbara from Austria and I was also too on the 6-days-race in Munich. I´m also too by the RPF.com as renesmee_cullen and I like the side very much and how i hear that the three actor come to Germany / Munich I was very speechless, and on the 26 of october I get a confirmation mail from Hypo-bank with my four tickets! I was so happy to go to Munich on the 14th of november. I can tell you it was so amazing for me to see Rob, Chris,Taylor and Kristen live on the stage, all young girls cryed and screamed so loud that was very hard to understand what they told us on the stage.
    I hope to see the three actor next year also in Munich i will be happy =)
    I thing i will never forget the event.... =)
