Friday, November 20, 2009

My New Moon Experience #1

The cinema was packed and i was glad to sit with so many of my friends.

I did go up in front of the theatre and do my impression of Rob singing "Let Me Sign" which was mostly just to be funny... the other contestents were actually amazing singers and the winner was really great.

Bill Bannerman introduced the movie and he was actually at our New Moon Pre-Party too! *exciting eh?* He told us the power of the blogs, tweets and fans.... and encouraged us to get out there and spread the word to make Breaking Dawn happen and to make it happen in Vancouver - inspiring!

As the previews came on i was excited... Lovely Bones looks fantastic, i still haven't read the book, Percy Jackson looks amazing, it was filmed here at the same time as New Moon, Remember Me led to a squeal in the theatre for Rob and looks like a great movie also.

As E1 and Summit logo's came up all I could feel was the first New Moon trailor I saw when the truck drives up and she asks Edward to kiss her, of course this is NOT how it starts, but it just was drilled in my head in that sequence from seeing the trailor multiple times.

I don't want to spoil for people who are avoiding crowds, squeals and lines but I will give you my opinion in a general sense.

Trailors did not give away all the key scenes, though many of them, all of the trailor scenes have more to them in the movie and it felt like a good mix of "what I knew and saw" and "more than I expected" if that makes any sense at all?

The CGI was amazing, I really liked the wolves, I know we saw them in the trailo rbut there is one part on the cliff where the wolf's fur is blowing in the wind and I just wanted to like, reach out and pet him ha ha it looks so soft.

Having been to many sets or been outside many sets while they were filming I felt an added connection to clips and parts, like "OMG I was right across the street" (Movie Theatre) or "we were outside this was filmed at 3am" (Cullen House) or "I can't even invision the theatre how they set it up because I know the inside theatre and outside theatre are two different places" (Movies - obviously) and so on.

There were about 3 times that I actually went "look" and pointed at the screen to parts or items or things that i remembered from while they were filming, that gave me an added enjoyment, though it didn't distract from the movie as much as I anticipated. I seriously thought the first time would be fangirls screaming (myself included) and me scanning each scene for things I recalled from live sets...

This wasn't the case.

Our theatre was relatively quieter than I thought it would be, a few chatterboxes at the start, obvious clapping and squealing at certain times (Edward first pulls up at school, Jacob first takes his shirt off) and group sighs as deep breaths were being held as Jake and Bella were alone together.

They took enough from the book and a few creative differences (one we know from previews, having Edwards face crack when he fights Felix in the Volturi Scene) and overall it was just really enjoyable.

I know a lot of reviews have been low, and I realize I am a huge fan so I may be biased, but friends who aren't fans even said they enjoyed it. I think there is more "male-friendsly" portions, and the acting is steppe dup though there are still laughable / corny parts that I won't discuss yet because I know some haven't seen it yet *gasp*

Few things...

I think Michael Sheen stole his scenes, Billy Burke has the same presence as Twilight, Chris Weitz is a god and did an amazing job of capturing the essence of the story, Cullen's role was less than I anticipated but still good to see, Ending was what I predicted but still awesome, Taylor looks ah-freakin-mazing with no shirt on, Dakota was creepy looking in a good way, Alice's hair was better in the first film, Pace was good especially scenes chosen to do in slow-motion and rapid speed, Amazing to see how three forests can be morphed to be one in a film, Victoria's screen time was less than I anticipated but very memorable, CGI was very well done, Wolf-Pack captivated the playful, united roles, I got goosebumps in a few scenes, I got tense and anxious a few scenes, I loved the Movie!

More specific details by next week I really want everyone to see it and be able to read my opinions on specifics, plus I will have seen it a few more times by then and have better insight :-)


  1. I really enjoyed it too! The midnight movie was much quieter than I thought, as the movie kept people's attention. It was better than Twilight all-around, except for the music - I really loved the music in Twilight, and in New Moon music wasn't such a presence.

  2. You are right! Loved it! Have seen it 2 times already! I too noticed that there wasn't as much electricity in the air as I thought there should have been. Went and saw it at 1201a, and was the oldest person there......oh my! I did LOVE Aro...that was my favorite part, and the water scene.
