Monday, November 23, 2009

New Moon DVD Deets from Chris Weitz *SPOILERS*


MTV posts:

After this weekend's record-shattering opening, "New Moon" is now officially the biggest film of 2009. In a few months, it will inevitably become one of the biggest DVD releases of 2010.

So what can we expect from the "New Moon" DVD? Recently, we caught up with director Chris Weitz and got the scoop on the disc you'll soon want sitting next to "Twilight" on your shelf.

"There will be a commentary track," Weitz revealed, saying that he'll soon head into the recording booth with his three big stars, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. "It'll just be us riffing off each other in our intimate way," he grinned. "We kind of like each other, so that should be fun."

[Mandy's Mind - I can't wait for this I am hoping to hear them talk about "crazy fans" waiting outside all day and night LOL]

In addition, fans can look forward to picking up a copy of "Twilight in Forks," the independently made documentary that teased fans with brief glimpses of its exploration into the real-life town that inspired Stephenie Meyer, only to be snatched up by Summit in September. An insider told MTV recently that the film will not be re-edited but will hit DVD alongside "New Moon" with all-new packaging and artwork.

[Mandy's Mind - OF COURSE SUMMIT snatched it up - anything that will make $ they want to own, run or a piece of... even though it's about Fork's... not Twilight... though YES Forks was not even a dot on the map before Twilight, still... ]

Judging by the insatiable appetite of Twilighters, they'll be filling DVD stores in the first quarter of 2010, eager to glimpse the deleted scenes Weitz plans to unveil for the first time.

"There will be probably about 20 minutes of deleted material," he explained, promising some meaty footage. "It really is good stuff and a bonus for the fans."

Among this bonus footage could be several moments MTV knows were shot but did not make the final "New Moon" cut, including:

» A scene with Rachelle Lefevre as Victoria driving to Forks in a car, snacking on a dead human. It was one of the final moments the actress filmed as the nomadic vampire.

[Mandy's Mind - yes there must be a ton of Victoria footage that was unused, she was here filming for weeks]

» A scene with the human characters eating Burger King.

[Mandy's Mind - yes this was one thing i was NOT looking forward too as it seemed corny, I think it was supposed to be placed after the movies... instead a BK Trash Bag is seen in each shot outside the theatre with Bella, Mike and Jacob]

» Another scene with the humans, this time with Justin Chon and Michael Welch expressing jealousy over Edward's car.

[Mandy's Mind - I love all the human scenes, adds humour, especially "Eric"]

» More scenes with the Volturi in Italy.

[Mandy's Mind - Should be interesting ]

» An extended cut of the scene where Mike Newton quotes Shakespeare to Bella in the Forks High parking lot; in it, he does a Marlon Brando impersonation.

[Mandy's Mind - again, more human humour]

» Scenes alluding to the ongoing breakup between Newton and Anna Kendrick's Jessica.

[Mandy's Mind - I kind of wanted a bit of this, if you hadn't read the books and you were just watching the relationships seemed confusing, it wasn't until the 3rd viewing that I heard/paid attention to everything Jessica was babbling on about after the movie ]

"When I made the film, I wanted it to arrive at a certain kind of flow and cadence," Weitz said of why he had to leave so many scenes on the cutting-room floor but hopes to restore many for the DVD. "[They would have affected] how the movie worked, and they didn't completely fit. But there'll be some groovy stuff in [the DVD]."


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