Thursday, November 26, 2009

USA Thanksgiving and I am thankful

While it is USA Thanksgiving and I am away from my computer for the holidays with my husbands family in Seattle, I have scheduled this (and many other) posts for while I am away.

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and boy am i ever...

  • Vanity Fair & All it's photography...

  • Topless Taylor

  • Angry Topless Taylor

  • Wet Topless Taylor

  • Topless Robert

  • Topless Kellan

  • Jackson's smile

    And I love his half pony undercit hair

  • New Moon & Eclipse were filmed in Vancouver and I had the opportunity to meet so many of the cast.

    Ok, but seriously... I am thankful for many things...

  • Wonderful daughter and husband who I adore.

  • Moving to a new condo in which I love.

  • Friends and Family who are always there for me.

  • New friends and people in my life from this crazy Twilight Phenomena.

  • Turkey... I love turkey almost as much as I love guacamole.

  • My Health. Although I was quite sick earlier this month I am thankful to be healthy now.

  • Future. I am so excited for Christmas and the New Year. 2010 Will be a very busy time with the Olympics, possibilities of Breaking Dawn, my big 30th birthday bash, our new home and who knows what other surprises will pop up.

    I hope you all enjoy your American Thanksgiving if you celebrate, and if not, enjoy your weekend and be thankful for what you have in your life.

  • Don't miss the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade.... my version would feature this:

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