Saturday, December 5, 2009

Anna Kendrick talks to Ask Men

Anna Kendrick recently did an inter­view with in which she spoke about Robert Pat­tin­son, Twilight Saga, Paparazzi, Fans and George Clooney.....

AM : What’s it like being in the Twi­light series?

AK : It’s a phe­nom­e­non that can­not be accounted for. It’s really excit­ing. The thing about my involve­ment is that I get to have my cake and eat it too. I get to be a part of the [Twi­light] fran­chise and go on the ride when I feel like it. And I still have my real life. I can walk around and peo­ple don’t spec­u­late about my pri­vate life.

AM : Have you got­ten more atten­tion from the Twi­light–ers since you got cast?

AK : Yeah. The other great thing is that peo­ple just seem to be fine with me. Some peo­ple love Rob [Pat­tin­son] and Kris­ten [Stew­art] and some peo­ple say a lot of cruel things. And peo­ple tend to leave me alone. If they want to say some­thing they tend to say some­thing nice. Its an insane fran­chise to be a part of, but I got it the eas­i­est out of everyone.

AM : Since the first part of Twi­light has the atmos­phere changed in terms of fans and paparazzi?

AK : Thank God that peo­ple exist who know how to take care of that stuff. Oth­er­wise, we’d just be mobbed every­day. They’ve set up a ver­i­ta­ble fortress around every loca­tion that I’ve shot at with good rea­son. We live in our lit­tle blacked-out bubble.

AM : How do you com­pare the atten­tion that cir­cles Twi­light star Robert Pat­tin­son and George Clooney?

AK : From what I’ve seen they get dif­fer­ent sides of it. Rob gets a lot of scream­ing and a lot of pry­ing and a lot of really, really intense praise, which doesn’t nec­es­sar­ily feel good when it’s com­ing from this hys­ter­i­cal place. Then I see peo­ple come to George and because he’s so estab­lished, some peo­ple try [to] trick him into say­ing some­thing. And it’s inter­est­ing to watch him side­step that stuff so grace­fully and never lose his cool. I don’t know how he does that.

AM : Is there more hys­te­ria around Clooney or Pattinson?

AK : Rob Pat­tin­son. I’ve never seen any­thing like it. Yes­ter­day, peo­ple were ask­ing me [at the Up in the Air pre­miere with Clooney], “Could you believe how crazy this pre­miere is?” and I was like, you ain’t seen nothing.

AM : Like stam­pedes and stuff?

AK : Comic Con was pretty intense. We were in smaller the­aters, and there were no bar­ri­ers. I was just think­ing, they’re feet away, and he’s stand­ing right next to me. This kid is going to lose an eye right next to me. There were four secu­rity guards around him but all it takes is one and your eye is gone.

AM : Do you under­stand why peo­ple are so into him?

AK : He’s attrac­tive, charm­ing and funny, but do I get why peo­ple do that? No.

AM : Do you think it’s more because they see him as his char­ac­ter, Edward?

AK : Yes. Absolutely. I under­stand that. Read­ing the books, Edward [Cullen] is like noth­ing you’ve ever read, and I under­stand why girls go crazy. But I don’t under­stand why there’s no dis­con­nect when they see a real human being and start convulsing.

To check out the full inter­view go here .

[via robstenlovers]

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