Friday, December 4, 2009

Breaking Dawn Vancouver seems to be more of a possibility

There are rumours and there are facts.

I like to take both and draw conclusions that are intelligent and not out of left field to form my opinions.

I like to blog about a combination of these things for you to enjoy and make up your own mind on the issues.

Let's discuss Breaking Dawn

I recieved several emails, tweets and messages over the past few days that I have only just addressed because of things going on with my personal life, mainly my move to the new place.

I am already certain they will make Breaking Dawn and I believe it will be two movies with a HUGE pay raise. More and More I believe (and hope) that it will be filmed again in Vancouver.

Here are the things I have heard:

  • Things went well here while filming New Moon and Eclipse. Chris Weitz rocked New Moon, David Slade pumped out Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, naturally, could return to Vancouver where their quality money-movies were shot...

  • Peter Facinelli was involved in the auction that gave the winner a visit to a Breaking Dawn set along with a dinner and stay at Vancouver hotel and restaurant.

  • a BC Film Commission worker anticipates it will be here "as planned" in 2010.

  • the lot used for Bella's house was booked through 2010 and When Bella's House was taken down I was told the various things about the space, mainly it was booked thru 2010 but the lot across the street where the trailers were stored during live filming was bought and wouldn't be available so they would need to have the circus further away for the next one.

  • a young actress in L.A. was told by her agent to ensure she has renewed her passport to get into Canada while another was apparently told to wait for the official casting call in the spring which would be held in L.A. and Vancouver...this is hearsay but worth mentioning as possible rumour possible reality, I know extras don't get picked till closer to shoot and are usually locally picked.

  • Summit has been very tight-lipped about everything and even throws out diversions of "Eclipse Surprises" to keep everyone's minds off BD

  • Bill Bannerman, producer, encouraged a theatre packed with people to tweet, blog and get the fans excited about Breaking Dawn and to get Breaking Dawn in Vancouver. Several people with video of this announcement in Vancouver for the New Moon opening contacted me after Bill Bannerman asked them to remove the video from youtube. (and asked me to remove from my blog-which I did)

  • Ryan Seacrest confirmed BD and he generally has some great sources and won't say things that aren't true or can't be backed up.

  • Melissa Rosenberg has been rumoured to started writing screenplay though she denies it publicly as all involved seem to have been instructed to keep it under wraps until all details are sorted out. [Yet many keep spilling the beans or bits anyways albeit unintentionally I am sure] such as Wyck Godfrey who is careful how he words it.

  • Rob plans to film it and has it scheduled into his agenda

  • Sources who are usually reliable have said they believe Vancouver is happening. Most of the "Portland" rumours are from highly unreliable sources thus far with the exception of a couple sources that are often reliable who firmly believe is will be Portland.

  • Speaking of unreliable sources, let's look at a VERY reliable source Twilight Lexicon discusses casting scams for Breaking Dawn and links to casting scam alerts

    Sure I am biased since I am a Vancouver fan who wants to see Breaking Dawn filmed locally but the fact is Vancouver is the better choice for filming for many reasons I have mentioned before.

    Either way it is clear it will be made which is the most important thing. Anywhere on the west coast works as much of it is rich with forests and mountains needed for the film. Locally just means I can be a part of it more than if it was in Portland, which makes me happy :)

    Until Summit officially announces the details we all have to wait. But as rumours continue to fly, I will listen, report and as always offer my opinion - take it or leave it - it's my blog to write ha!

    1. Just wanted to let you know how much my best friend and I enjoy your blog!! It helps us keep in contact while she is in Germany and I am still in the states. We love to fangirl on Twilight and you always have the best stuff on your blog!! Keep up the great job!!!

    2. i think it will happen here too. the cast have all said that filming in Vancouver was easier than in Portland. why go back and search for all new sets again when everything is here??
