Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bryce Dallas Howard discusses replacing Rachelle on The View

Bryce Dallas Howard has done a lot of great things in her acting career, but no role may get her more recognition then playing Victoria in The Twlight Saga: Eclipse. Sadly though she says that it wasn't easy to accept the role.

Howard was a guest on The View on Tuesday morning and was asked by co-host Sherri Shepherd if there was any pressure on stepping into the role of Victoria.

Howard responded unexpectedly, "Yeah, yes, very much so."

Rachelle Levere had played the role of Victoria for the first two films in the franchise. Back in July, Summit Entertainment announced that they had parted ways with Levere and that Howard would be stepping in for the part. Even though the studio and Levere had public disagreements over her dismissal, her emotions never turned an ugly head towards Howard.

"I felt really grateful to the cast and to everyone and actually Rachelle herself just was so gracious," Bryce said. "Really, the intention is just to make the best film possible and you know, it was really terrible what happened but I did my best."
Eclipse hits theaters June 30, 2010.

See video HERE


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