Friday, December 18, 2009

Chris Weitz spills the beans on a few things he hid in the film.


Chris Weitz spills the beans on a few things he hid in the film.
Did you spot any of them?

1. Hid­den wolves

”Look for an upside-down engrav­ing of a wolf in the shot of the bowl in which Carlisle burns his first-aid equip­ment; on Jacob’s T-shirt when he meets Bella in the school park­ing lot for the first time; and a wolf trin­ket on the dream-catcher that he gives her.”

2. Vam­pire ele­va­tor music

”When Edward, Bella, and Alice get into the ele­va­tor on their way to see the Vol­turi, the music play­ing in the ele­va­tor is from Strauss’ Die Fle­d­er­maus (a.k.a. The Bat).”

3. Emo­tional bag­gage?

”When Bella is look­ing for the meadow where she and Edward are seen lying down together, she car­ries a golden com­pass clipped to her back­pack — part of my baggage!”

4. Speedy suitor

”We did a lit­tle trick when Edward gets out of Bella’s truck and they’re argu­ing. We wanted to show Edward mov­ing impos­si­bly quickly, so we put Rob right next to the cam­era but out of sight, and used a dou­ble dressed like Rob in the driver’s seat. When Edward gets out, it’s the dou­ble, and then Rob steps in front of the cam­era, and it looks as if he got there faster than humanly possible.”

5. Look it up

”And last but not least: If you want to know what Jacob says before he almost kisses Bella, ask a Quileute! The address of the Quileute tribal coun­cil is I can tell you this much: He says, Kwop kilawt­ley.”


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