Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chris Weitz wants to help Fan jailed for alleged piracy of New Moon

A fan got arrested last week and held in a cell for 2 days for allegedly trying to videotape 'New Moon'. She contends that she was only videotaping a party that was being held at the movie theater for her sister. A surprise party being held and that she was not trying to videotape the movie to distribute the film.

The fan is clearly talking and videotaping birthday songs and things to remember the event with narration. Not holding still and capturing the movie. The fan, 22-year-old Tumpach, if convicted could be facing 3 years in jail. I think they are trying to make an example of this fan and Chris Weitz agrees.

“Needless to say, the case seems to me terribly unfair and I would like to do what I can to address this,” Weitz wrote in an e-mail.

Weitz questioned whether her arrest was justified.

“There is, needless to say, a difference between trying to protect the copyright of a film and making an unfair example of someone who clearly seems not to have any intentions towards video piracy,” Weitz wrote.

He said he had contacted the studio that released the film, Summit Entertainment, to express his concern about her arrest, but he acknowledged there’s probably little he can do to influence the outcome of her case.

“I am not sure what effect I would have on the case,” he wrote, noting “the film is, after all, not my property.”

For the fan's sake I hope Chris Weitz's plee to the studio helps. I will let you know if I hear anything else about this. But let's keep our fingers crossed that a fan JUST like us gets set free.


1 comment:

  1. Wow. The prosecutor will make the final decision on whether to try the case. However, I think a jury will be incredibly sympathetic to her, especially when they see how she filmed the event.
