Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jackson talks about his music and his friends

This was on TwiFans but I have no idea why it is written so strangely, I think somewhere in translation it was confused... perhaps someone found it and translated it then someone else tried to translate it back to english? no clue....

Actor Jackson Rathbone, is better known as Jasper Hale from Twilight or the New moon. But in a shower it simply guy, playing to rock-and-roll group. Rathbone has communicated with CHARTattack from shootings the third film of the twilight saga the Eclipse about its life of the vampire-lady-killer and favourite group, 100 Monkeys.

Twilight send in the past to year, now you are engaged in promotion for the New moon and work above the Eclipse. Whether it seems to you, what your life all time spins around of Twilight all time?
Generally is not present. At me it is full of employment outside of the Twilight world.
Being the musician, I play to group 100 Monkeys, therefore, when I done not act in film, I am engaged in group. We constantly write music and is constant in travels. Certainly, it is pleasant to be a part of the twilight saga, but at me and besides it much is all.

On equal with this film I have other projects. I by the way продюссирую the first film in it to year with my producer company. Business well moves ahead owing to wide фанатской to support of Twilight. Admirers trace also other my projects, it is a great honor. They support all our films and is concrete ourselves, as actors.

How you consider, Twilight success for you or you are afraid of the same roles because of this franchise? There Are regrets in occasion of participation in this cultural phenomenon?

First I worried a little. In my first negotiations with the manager when to me have offered a role of Jasper, I asked: « And it is a correct choice of film? I shall not lose with it? »

But during all my career I tried to give different appearance to my characters. And it concerns not only hair and colors of eyes, but also how I go and I speak.

I always was the actor of images. At theatre I studied, for example how to represent the child. I shall always struggle so that me did not learn as the actor with minute popularity owing to Twilight. But during too time all depends on that, than you will borrow then, I think.

Even in a life at me not one image. I am many-sided – I have a group, music and my film-career. I have defined myself as the creative person, rather than simply actor.

Twilight not the most bad place for the participant of group. Vampires too love a rock-and-roll, whether not so? On a shower, that you, probably, were necessary to All these children whom Twilight look the musician.

Fans support all 100 Monkeys. Among admirers at us many twilight fans but as it is a lot of and those who not the fan of film.

We not teenage fate group. We not any Jonas Brothers. And our songs not about love to the neighbour's girl. Our songs about alcohol, a harm and women who change and withdraw.

If closely to understand, our songs in somebody a blues style. We extol such groups as The Doors or The Rolling Stones. Our songs often compare with The Doors, Volume Уэйтсом and Coldplay. We hope, that our music is comprehensible, but we граем that is pleasant to us, the truth is pleasant. And consequently that we play such music, it turns out, that it too is pleasant to another.

How other participants of group concern to your trade of the movie star?
They my friends from the senior school. They know me before decision-making on crossing to Los Angeles when to me was 18. And they supported me in all. We always were simply excellent friends.

Our friendship has inspired us on musical cooperation in a counterbalance to to become group already after twilight, something like that. Therefore I have not changed, to me have carried with friends who have helped me to not lose a head, with my partners on group, accomplices in a crime if want. I same what was before Twilight, such and I shall remain.

I somewhere heard, that the glory changes not you, and people around of you. It seems to me, the truth. The certain people in my environment have not changed to me while in Texas I have ceased to communicate with some friends because they began to see me as the movie star.

Those from friends with whom I keep in contact, see me as the usual guy, and my roles at cinema simply part of work. And these people my present friends because precisely know that it is not necessary to trust all this yellow press and other. Jackson simply клевый the guy who likes to execute music with friends.


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