Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Marcus Foster in Vancouver

Marcus Foster was amazing!

This was my first experience with him, being his first Canadian show, and I was thrilled.

He is heading to Montreal and Toronto I believe this week, so please if you are in those cities or nearby - find him! Go see him! You will love it!

Despite a few hiccups:

  • His opening band couldn't make it - one of them lost their passport...
  • His sound guy had some issues and Marcus was worried about how the sound was coming through (it was fantastic, he worried for nothing)
  • He ran out of whiskey - LOL - he was quickly brought a new glass

The show went really well. He had a perfect mix of raw talent, crowd interaction and interesting stories to keep the small crowd entertained and pleased.

Marcus Foster, if you haven't met him or seen him perform.... well...

He was quirky, silly and funny.

He was adorable, cute and charming.

He was talented, amazing and wonderful.

I really enjoyed his music, show, him!

His music is beautiful and his stage presence is fun and endearing.

His giggles SLAY me - literally, I was in tears at his stories and jokes and mannerisms. Everytime he gigled I giggled, and everytime he made his silly faces I laughed, my videos are hilarious because they shake with laughter periodically.

He was awesome and stayed after to meet all the fans - our group even posed to do a group photos and Marcus came to join us :-)

Great guy! Great Music - Can't wait for him to come back, glad we had such an intimate experience with him in local venue with a good crowd.

Highlights Included:

  • the "owy" (howl) to open the act - I shot it at him and he shot it back - later (on video) he did it again hehehehe
  • The amazing vocal range and sound he produces
  • asking him his fave kind of whiskey and him saying "oh no, I am good with beer right now" me "no really, what kind do you like best, I promise I won't buy you a drink" him "oh I like it all" me "my friend Amy likes to do a shot of Jameson with Sam, is Jameson your fave?" him "I think someone gave me a bottle of that once" ha ha ha ha
  • Mel and Marcus "hi" "HI" "HI" "HI" silly lil banter the photos I will post speak for themselves they looked like old buddies on a drunk night out
  • His "ghosts" story
  • The Group Photo (see bottom of this post) where Marcus' look is a cross between "yea look at all these ladies" and "I swear I am not touching any of them" and "what have I gotten myself into" ha ha ha
  • Sam Bradley's mom being there to support Marcus and being so friendly to all the fans (She even grabbed Marcus to join our group shot - which we originally were just going to take of us but decided to add him in - obviously!)
  • Seeing all the gals I've met and grown to love
  • Being interviewed on alcohol consumption in BC for the local news... uh? RANDOM
  • his interactive stories and the way he had us all in tears laughing
  • his mannerisms with his giggles, laughs, facial expressions, hair grabbing - reminded me of someone else we all know and love ;)
  • I was walking back from the hall way and he was telling a story with his hands and flailed them out almost smacking me upside the head - he was so apologetic, I joked he almost knocked me out ;)

    There are many more - I may add later, but for now scroll down and enjoy videos and photos.

    Tons of videos (along with Sam Bradley video's)now uploaded on my You Tube Account

    Go Browse There are tons of videos and a few more still uploading**

    Also more photos coming - for now here is our group shot....

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