Saturday, December 26, 2009

More cast listings for Twilight Saga Eclipse

Twifans posted this:

From IMDb, in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse page, we can see a list of the cast, and there are 3 actors that we did not know of. Here they are:

Monique Ganderto

She appears as a Beautiful Vampire.

Ben Geldreich

He will play the role of John.

Justin Rain

e is going to play the role of a Quilieute warrior.

What do you think?

Mandy's Mind - I love that Twilight Fans are caring about minor characters, I mean, getting known is how actors make it and paying attention to these minor characters is awesome in my opinion... I especially like that New Moon & Eclipse were filmed in Vancouver and cast quite a few Canadians and moreover local BC actors... yee-haw!

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