Saturday, December 12, 2009

News From Forks

They have been busy in Forks lately. First they have moved the Forks sign that was on the South side of town. They recently moved the one of the North side of town as well so that fans no longer had to climb a hill to get to it. According to the Forks Forum(Photo credit Chris Cook):

“Bill Sperry told Forks Chamber of Commerce members on Wednesday that lights are being installed to highlight the signs at night. He said the Forks Revitalization Committee and the City of Forks are working together on the project.

The south side sign was formerly located in a marshy area which lacked safe parking for fans to pull over. The new location of the sign is located adjacent to the Forks Timber Museum and near the Forks Chamber of Commerce’s Visitor Center. Both locations provide paved, off-road parking for visitors.”

Forks is also preparing for a visit from the Showtime Network. Twilight will debut exclusively on Showtime come January. Showtime has been busy shooting footage of fans at events like the Official Twilight Tour run by Creation Entertainment, and now they are making a trip to Forks to add to their coverage.

Check out all the latest happenings in Forks at the Forks Forum website


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