Saturday, December 12, 2009

Paris Interviews (with Translation)

How many times a week do you shave?

How many times a day do you look at your­self in the mirror?

In the sun do you tan or burn?

Do you like singing in the moonlight?

Water or red wine with your meat?

Con­clu­sion: Robert Pat­tin­son is in fact a werewolf.

Don’t you think Edward is too prude with Bella?

Is a love story like Edward and Bella’s pos­si­ble in today’s society?

What char­ac­ter traits do you share with Bella?

What is it like to be part of a suc­cess like The Twi­light Saga?

What other char­ac­ter from the movie would you have liked to play?

You’re not scared to be stuck in the role of Edward Cullen?

What’s the most orig­i­nal thing you’ve received from a fan?

Have you ever met fans that are a bit too passionate?

[from Robsten Lovers via everyone]

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