Sunday, December 27, 2009

PopSeoul Interviews Justin Chon

We got to sit down
stand and soak in the warm California sun while getting to know this 28 year old Korean American Actor. (For those in Southern California, read until the end to find out where you can meet him and maybe get a little mistletoe action going on. Although he may be busy with Jill…)

PS: So tell us a little about yourself.

Justin: Iono, let’s talk about something interesting. I don’t feel like I’m that interesting.

PS: Just a brief introduction. I mean this interview is about you, so you must be somewhat interesting.

Justin: A brief introduction… hmmm…what you need to know to get to know me is don’t take me seriously because I’m like absolute chaos, I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do. [Basically], I try not to care what people think. I am my own entity.

PS: Any interesting quirks, habits, random thoughts?

Justin:“I have a lot. Quirks…ummm… ::baby screams:: I find stuff like that amusing, little kids screaming (author’s note: not that he enjoys baby’s in pain but you know random stuff). My quirks, I really like to bother people. Sometimes I can be really mean but I try not to be.

PS: You mean sarcastic mean right?

Justin:Yea. I also state the obvious a lot of times. And I don’t know mang I just…whatever I do I just want it to be fun. You know what I mean. It’s gotta be fun or I don’t want to do it.

PS: I’m pretty sure it’s gotten you into a lot of situations.

Justin: Oh yeah. Many times a lot of ppl get angry at me but I try not to let what other people think effect me because at the end of the day, a 100% of the people aren’t going to like you. That’s a fact. It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as I do what I want to do then it’s all good. Because even with acting, I would say that a majority of the people told me not to do it. They’re like “you got a business degree why would you go into acting blah blah blah”. And it’s like if you give a crap about what everyone else says you won’t get anything done. And that’s the thing about my life I kind of did just what I want to do and so far it’s worked out pretty good.

PS: What do you see yourself doing in 10, 20, even 30 years then?

Justin: I have no idea. I live day by day. What’s the point of planning thirty years from now when it’s just you have no idea. I can die tomorrow.

PS: That’s interesting, usually people who are in business have 10 year plans.

Justin:Well yea I do stuff to help that out but seriously these days I’m just… you don’t know when it’s going to end. I had a friend who recently passed away last week (RIP) and just made me realize dude nothing really matters as long as your having fun in the moment and making enough to feed yourself and help out your family. That’s good enough. It can be taken away literally anytime. People who take themselves too seriously that turns me off sometimes, not always, if they’re passionate about something it doesn’t but some people who just can’t take a joke, it turns me off.

PS: You said you love music and that you can play various instruments, do you see yourself in the music industry?

Justin: No, I like playing music but I don’t want to pursue it as a profession and that’s the thing a lot of people think because I’m in this movie or that and people know me they have to listen to me. Maybe I might record something and put it out there but I’m not going to try to make money off it and force it down people’s throats. But yea, I would say no I don’t think I won’t

PS: Do you see yourself doing something other than acting then?

Justin:Yea, owning a business. Just doing business. But that’s the thing man, you can’t plan, you can’t put yourself in a box, you just go with the flow. You can’t let expectations of society put yourself in a square. I’m just going to do whatever comes my way.

PS: Because of your acting, you’ve been to a lot of places. Where is your favorite?

Justin: Paris because it’s metropolitan but it’s chill and it’s private. No one bugs you and everyone’s cool and it’s very romantic. Lot sof history good food public transport is amazing. (Proceeds to sing “I love paris in the spring time, I love paris in the fall. I lov paris in the winter when It drizzles. I love paris in the summer when it sizzles. I love paris every moment…”)

PS: With “Eclipse” finally done shooting, are you working on any new projects?

Justin: Yea, I’m doing a movie around May called “Fortune Hunters”. It’s a little indie that’s going to be shot in Seattle. The director is Tom Harp and it’s going to be great.
And I’m actually executive producing this show with a friend, Ben Jackendoff, called “All You Can Eat”.


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