Monday, December 28, 2009

Robert Pattinson out with sister Lizzy in London today.

The UK Sun posted:

WITH his new beard, it looks like ROBERT PATTINSON is fast turning from a vampire into a werewolf.
The Twilight star gave his fans something else to Robsess over as he sported the new face fuzz on a post-Christmas day out with his sister LIZZY in Barnes, South-West London.

RPatz once admitted that until he was 12 his sis used to dress him up as a girl and introduce him to pals as Claudia.

He said: "Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel."

Mandy's Mind - at least it's trimmed a bit, his facial hair was taking an unkempt, out of control, messy turn for the worse last I saw him photographed in L.A.

Maybe his mum had him "trim up" a bit so it didn't get caught in the gravy at Christmas Dinner LOL... or perhaps it DID get caught in something at Christmas Dinner, a sweet treat perhaps?

Something tangled so badly it had to be cut out - ha ha - anyways, THIS facial hair I can handle, the icky over grown one he WAS sporting...

1 comment:

  1. So glad he was spotted in London with family. His sister has the most beautiful hair! The beard probably helps him be 'incognito', if that's ever possible, lol.
