Thursday, December 17, 2009

Robert Pattinson Photos from Last Night

Robert Pattinson was spotted at Dimples Supper Club in Burbank California last night. He attended friend Shannon Woodward's birthday party. Katy Perry was also in attendance. Radar Online wrote a slimy little story about how Katy and Rob looked "more than just friends" and how Rob was drunk blah blah blah. According to them, "Rob and Katy only had eyes for each other. We observed them sitting face-to-face, touching foreheads and acting very flirty with each other. They were both giggling and Katy looked positively giddy!"

Rob and Katy attended Shannon's birthday party last year and the same "Rob and Katy are so doing it!" stories were told... 1 year later, same people, different venue, same story :)

Mandy's Mind - Mutual Friends, Booze, Club, people need to get close to talk (remember Kings of Leon Concert?)Just because people are having a good time together doesn't mean they are banging... also doesn't mean they aren't..... but my vote is they aren't.

See video here


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