Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Runaway Stills featuring KStew and Leather Pants

Don't judge me but I had a pair of pants just like those and I wore them inthe 90s.....

Ok still don't judge me but I *JUST* got rid of those pants a couple weeks ago when we moved and my husband made me.....

STILL DON'T JUDGE ME.... but... If I stll fit into said pants, I would have kept them... and I'd still wear them.... Lucky for the world, they do not fit anymore....

Kristen is going to ROCK this movie... I just KNOW it....

See more pics at LJ KStew Fans

1 comment:

  1. Your husband made you get rid of yourleather pants? Sexy, tight and shiny black leather pants?

    He must be secretly homosexual.
